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Possible ESSA elevation problem along taxiway W


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I've noticed a couple of times what looks like an elevation problem at Stockholm-Arlanda along taxiway W where the taxiway crosses the road below. This affects both the look of the taxiway bridge as well as the plane spotting hill that isn't really a hill whenever this issue surfaces but instead the hill is on the same level as the rest of the surrounding terrain.


I've tried using the AEC Auto-Configuration tool that comes with FTX Global Vector and once I've run that tool the problem has been gone but only until next time it surfaces again even when I didn't change anything related to the ESSA scenery nor the FTX Global Vector configuration. Same thing has repeated itself a couple of times now so thought I would ask if this is an already known and reported problem and if there's any permanent fix for it?


This is what it looks like





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Hi Richard,


When you notice this, did you spawn at Arlanda or fly from somewhere else? It looks like a certain scenery file is not loaded for some reason: the tunnels and hill are in the same file. I've seen other people with the same problem, so definitely not just you. We'll look into it.



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Hello Philip and thanks for your prompt reply!


I've noticed this when landing at Arlanda and runway 19L. Today I flew from Budapest to Stockholm-Arlanda in real time a couple of hours ago and I'm not sure but sometimes I've been thinking maybe the time of day can affect whether I'll see the problem or not. Today when I noticed the problem I landed at 1601z time. This is nothing but speculation on my part though trying to find the culprit and why I sometimes see the issue and sometimes not although I didn't do any changes to my setup.


Well, good to know I'm not the only one and please let me know if I can assist you in any way or if you need more info to track the issue down.

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I'm not sure if Philip has made any more progress in this matter than I'm aware of. We have however been discussing it, and to the extent of my knowledge it turned out to be a bit more complicated than we assumed. We are looking in to ways to fix it, but haven't currently found a solution as we are not really sure what the source is of the issue.




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