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Darrington Mun Elevation issues


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AS the title suggests, I've been experiencing madness inducing problems over Darrington Muni. Both with and without the 1S5 Airfield installed. The runway and slipways are all sunk. I've tried the Vector configurator, tried unticking Vector in the scenery library, uninstalled Vector, uninstalled Global, uninstalled and reinstalled everything without Vector and once they are back in place the same problem occurs. I've trawled the forum and read several answers to similar enquiries but nothing seems to work for me. Please can someone help.





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Hi NeilG,


Looking at your sig, It doesn't look like you've purchased our payware Darrington, 1S2 or PNW which includes our non-payware version.  That means you must be looking at default Darrington and the only issue would be the need for disabling Vector or not.  Please confirm what airport whether checking 1S2, Darrington or 1S5 Sunnyside.


Cheers, NeilH

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Hi Neil. Thanks for quick response


Sorry. I should make myself clearer. Ever since I have had to take all my purchases off signiture I forget to add them back to my signature when making an enquirey. I have Darrington Municipal  - FSS101375 (also relevant to this enquirey: Global FSS223368. Vector FSS256709, PNW FSS98607). But where I am now is: thinking that all this must have something to do with Vector despite never having had this trouble before (when I have everything installed), I unchecked, uninstalled vector etc, as said above. In the end I stripped everything down to default P3D v3.2 (BTW win 10 64bit), and started to reinstall all from scratch. I suppose one possibility may have been that I had not actually got rid of the offending file but I thought I'd uninstalled according to the instructions and tried to ensure that I had mopped everything up. Anyway, I started to reinstall without Vector and without checking at each layer (I should have done that, I know), and I have got as far as Global and PNW (along with the two LC's but don't thinking that can be relevant). I've not put my 1S2 back on yet as this does not seem to be the problem.


PS, I don't know what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to upload screenshots to show you as I keep getting told they are too big.

Thanks Neil.

Neil G



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Hi again,


Neither Global nor Vector should have any effect on 1S2 elevation issues.  Try setting FTX Central to Global and see if the default FSX 1S2 has elevation issues.  If not activate North America and see if the revised PNW 1S2 has elevation issues.  There are no 1S2 elevation files in Vector to disable and the ORBX version of 1S2 doesn't use an elevation file.  So if either of these checks show an elevation issue you have a problem outside our files.  I'd then check in Scenery/World/Scenery to see if there is an elevation file there, there SHOULD NOT be one.


Let me know what you find.


Cheers, NeilH

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Hi Neil


Please excuse my ignorance and if this is a stupid question, but isn't this what you call an elevation file

"ADE_FTX_PNW_1S2_elevation_adjustment" ?


Because if that is the case my Scenery/World/scenery file is full of them


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If you want to post a screen shot, please do not attempt to upload it to this site.

Rather first save it as a .jpg file and then upload it to an image hosting site such as this one.

Copy the URL (location) of your shot and use the "Insert other media\ Insert image from URL" tab at the

bottom right of the answer box to add it to a post.

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Hi again NeilG


I think I'm seeing what is wrong.  1) You should not be able to have both PNW AND Global active at the same time, FTX Central should do one or the other.  It looks like you are indeed seeing the PNW airport with Global active rather than PNW.  Turn off FSX, go to FTX Central and choose North America, click "APPLY GROUP" and wait until North America says activeThen restart FSX and go to 1S2, it should look like my screenshot.  Check to make sure the elevation adjustment for 1S2 in Scenery/World/Scenery does NOT end in .off.


Let me know what you see.


Cheers, NeilH

PNW 1S2.jpg

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Hi Neil,


I tried your suggestion but unfortunately it was still the same and I am still in the digital valley whether I go into it having selected Global or N.America. I tried to read the BGL file to see if there was any indication of 'Off', as you suggested but I could not read the file even after having tried a number of different programmes.

There is something that I have not got rid of even after uninstall and reinstall - what do you think it might be and where would it be in order to affect Darrington?. I checked a number of other places and they don't seem to be affected.. Have I missed something?


Thanks for helping



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The elevation adjustment file is "switched on and off" by FTX Central.

When you select North America, the file is named


and in this state, it amends the airport elevation to match the mesh included

in the PNW region.

Because the default mesh is not the same, the same file must be "switched off"

by FTX Central when Global is selected.

This is done by renaming the file to


With this name, the simulator does not recognise the file and ignores it. so the file

has no effect and is effectively "switched off".


You might wish to check that this is working at it should because as Neil has said,

something is wrongly altering the elevation of your airport.

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Hi NeilG,


What do you mean by

15 minutes ago, NeilG said:

I tried to read the BGL file to see if there was any indication of 'Off', as you suggested but I could not read the file even after having tried a number of different programmes.

You don't need to read the file but just confirm the status as to wether it has a ADE_FTX_PNW_1S2_elevation_adjustment.bgl.off (inactive) extension, or ADE_FTX_PNW_1S2_elevation_adjustment.bgl (active).

If you can't see the file extension's in your windows explorer pane to confirm the status, then you need to go into your Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View tab > uncheck the box for "Hide Extensions for Known file types" click Apply then OK.  Then you will be able to see what file extensions have been applied to the respective file.


As Nick & Neil state, this file should not have an .off extension applied to switch the file to an inactive state it should look like this ADE_FTX_PNW_1S2_elevation_adjustment.bgl

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Thanks everyone for helping me to understand

the haze is beginning to clear. I checked the files under Scenery/world/scenery in the 'just Global' state and in the  'with PNW' state and sure enough it was just as Nick says. In the former state all was 'Off' in the latter there was nothing. However, Darrington was just the same in both. The faulty elevation was still there like a ghost hanging onto a place after someone is dead and should have moved on.


What would you chaps says that that means?


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First you should visit your Vector configurator and disable AEC for the airport.

The effect of AEC and elevation adjustment files looks fairly similar, so you need to

rule that out first.

I would suggest that you disable AEC for KMRY and go back there and see if it is fixed.

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Vector isn't there at the mo. Because this started with previous installation of everything, and at the time I suspected Vector, I uninstalled everything and reinstalled but this time without vector. Whatever caused the problem before  somehow didn't get uninstalled or deleted with the rest.

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Sorry to add a further post but just noticed something interesting. I clicked on configure in one of the airports in the FTX Central list, and a read notice appeared in which I was told that P3D was running so the configuration file would not come up. Needless to say P3Dv3 was not running. I clicked on some others and they were all the same. So FTX Central thinks that P3D is always on. Here is a report ref is that helps


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