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FTX Norway Quality/LODs question


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I have just recently bought P3D so I am sorry if there is an obvious answer I am missing or something.


Well, I have bought FTX Norway as it was recommended for me for my regional flying. The issue is, anywhere other than sitting on the runway, it looks terribly bad. Mind, I am not bashing the product, I am sure it's great but I think I have something messed up either with settings or with the addon itself.


Anyhow, those are screenshots made around the ENTC area:





As you can see, the terrain looks really bad. Can it be somehow fixed? Here are my scenery settings:





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Hi Morrigan and welcome. I can only try and assist here by going through some basics so bear with me.

When you installed Norway did you then install orbxlibs? Did you then go to Central and switch regions a couple of times and then revert back to Europe in Central? Does it look the same with a slow plane like the Maule rather than a heavy jet which will be speeding fast and may be effecting your texture loading capabilities?

Your settings seem OK but without knowing what CPU and GPU you are running you maybe extending their capacity with those settings.

Norway is great scenery and works very well so be patient and we can try and fix your problem.

Provide answers to my questions and we can go from there.

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8 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

Hi Morrigan and welcome.


Hey, thanks for trying to help me!

From the following screenshot, I assume that both Norway pack and libraries are installed correctly. The Europe region is selected as well.

I used stock, low demanding aircraft and the issue occurs just the same.

As for my specs (sorry, as I am not really knowledgable about that stuff, so I am repeating what my SO told me) I have "newer gen" i5 CPU and GTX 970 4gb ram GPU and 16Gb of ram. 



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OK you look as though you did install the libraries. Did you switch regions a couple of times? I know you pic shows you on Europe as active but have switched to Default then back to Europe a couple of times? Also take a pic of what your library insertion points look like. Click on the Library insertion Point tool shown in your pic and take a snap of that and post it. It should be OK but just need to make sure.

Do the region switching, returning back to Europe, and also provide a pic of what your library insert points look like.

Also attach a  pic of Norway flying over a built up area like Stavanger, because I want to see what details of the area look like. We will then go from there.

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With P3D, you have to configure your hardware to have best rendering. Also have a look at LM's Official tuning guide to tweak your Prpar3D.cfg

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1 hour ago, Richard Bui said:


With P3D, you have to configure your hardware to have best rendering. Also have a look at LM's Official tuning guide to tweak your Prpar3D.cfg



If you mean using the nvidia inspector's settings, I did all of that which resulted in much sharper gauges inside of the cockpit. Other than that, I am not sure what else could I do in terms of hardware.


I will look around for the .cfg guide, thank you.

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Insertion points ("BASE" list is longer, just skipped one screenshot), screenshots above Stavanger and screenshots a little further (<2nm) from the airport). As you can see, the textures of the groun near the airport is completetly different and much more sharp. Anything outside just gets terribly distorted. It's on max level of detail radius.










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 I don't think your system can keep up with the texture loading demands for some reason. It may be because you have Reflections set to On for a lot of items which will be using a lot of GPU resources. This is only a thought and not a definite diagnosis.

I would try a flight in a Microlight or a very simple GA plane travelling at no more than 100 knots with your Reflections and Shadows OFF, LOD MAX (not Ultra),Scenery Complexity ULTRA, Vegetation density Normal, Buildings Ultra, Traffic ai at Zero. Fly from a place which like Stavanger which has initially a rural area first but soon enters a built up area of the town and take some pics and ensure you show the coordinates in your pics. I strongly advise that you post your pics as per the link below because very soon you are going to run out of permissible amount of upload allowance.Also what addons do you have above your FTX insert point in your scenery library? What we are trying to do here is see if your texture loading improves and if more details are evident buy setting you scenery details to their max ( except vegetation) Once you submit a pic around Stavanger with coordinates, I will do the same flight and attach a pic of what my scenery looks like so we can compare and go forward. My system is not as good as yours but i do not have the problems you are facing, but we do have very different settings.



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I purchased my first copy of P3D at version 2 and right away I experienced problems trying to get the settings right. No matter what I did, my FPS rates were between 15-20 in good areas and lucky if it was 5-10 in city areas.

This position improved somewhat after Lockheed Martin issued version 3, which I again purchased, however it still was not great but I kept trying to find the ultimate settings for my system until several months ago Filou presented the following recommendations.


Since then, my FPS rates have improved significantly and the quality of screenshots I am obtaining has also improved. I took the following screenshot as I took off from ENTC and this is what I am in flightsim for, the beauty of the scenery.




I would advise you to at least give the ideas of Filou a try and see if that makes a difference


Kind regards



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3 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

Also what addons do you have above your FTX insert point in your scenery library?


I have no idea, I only installed Orbx Norway, FS2Crew and some planes, so anything else had to be there by default. 

I will follow your insctructions once I get home 


@Ian S

Thank you, I will look into it!

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3 hours ago, Ian S said:



I purchased my first copy of P3D at version 2 and right away I experienced problems trying to get the settings right. No matter what I did, my FPS rates were between 15-20 in good areas and lucky if it was 5-10 in city areas.

This position improved somewhat after Lockheed Martin issued version 3, which I again purchased, however it still was not great but I kept trying to find the ultimate settings for my system until several months ago Filou presented the following recommendations.


Since then, my FPS rates have improved significantly and the quality of screenshots I am obtaining has also improved. I took the following screenshot as I took off from ENTC and this is what I am in flightsim for, the beauty of the scenery.




I would advise you to at least give the ideas of Filou a try and see if that makes a difference


Kind regards



Some of those settings make no sense. In ASN, min cloud draw distance is set at 90... and max at 60?

There are setup guides at avsim, I'd use those. This guy has some weird settings. You should put down autogen sliders to normal and bump up scenery complexity to max. A lot of other changes like in the Nvidia Inspector power settings should be max performance not adaptive. A lot of people who don't know what they are doing giving "tips" online that just confuses everyone.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, well. It's been few weeks, I have tried tweaking my .cfg and what not, but to no avail. I even lowered all of my rendering and quality settings (as someone suggested my pc couldn't keep up?) which didn't help whatsoever.


I am pretty close to just giving up, so if anyone is willing to take some wild guess I would really appreciate it.

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Did you read this thread? To me, your problem is blurries. Flying fast and low (A319) in Norwegian fjords or valleys is not the same experience as it was in FSX. There's much where P3D is superior, but then there are downsides - and blurry, late loading textures in mountainous terrain and esp. in FTX Norway seem to be one of it - at least for some of us, as it seems more pronounced on some systems. Try limiting the visiblity. I think that a layer of mist as in Ian's picture would certainly enhance the impression in your Twotter pictures as they don't look too bad. Fly at dawn or dusk  and mix in some weather and don't look for blurries - at least that's what I do.

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On 26.04.2016 at 9:12 PM, TomL said:

Flying fast and low (A319) in Norwegian fjords or valleys is not the same experience as it was in FSX.


The thing is, it's the same if I am just doing a standard departure. Everything around me is blurry, low resolution and ugly as can be see on my previous screenshots. 


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