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Weird issue all over the World P3D V3.2

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Hi all. Thanks for having me.


I had FTX Global for a while using P3D with no issues. Ever since I upgraded to P3D V3.2 this has started to happen all over the world, but especially near coastlines:




I have FTX Global + Vector + Trees + OPEN LC Europe. This area right here is the island of Cyprus, but this happens all over the world really. I also have REX 4 (TD+SC) for the water and clouds, but I don't think this is an issue.

FTX Cental is indicating all programs are up to date and so are the libraries.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi there,


depending on what kind of upgrading steps you used the V3.2 installer may have overwritten the FTX Global Base textures and other core files required for our products to work. First thing to try is to run FTX Central and re-apply Global; pressing Apply Group will run a background check for the core file integrity. If that doesn't fix the issue then re-installing Global Base should do the trick; you can run the installer on top of the existing installer (ignoring the backup option).


Cheers, Holger

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