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What is the solution for when Tenzing-Hillary Airport/Lukla (VNLK) in FSX-SE is in a large hole?

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Hi Folks.


I am new here, and recently purchased Base, Vector and openlc Europe for use with FSX-SE. I have no other scenery type addons.


I am experiencing the same problem as seen by other customers in that Tenzing-Hillary Airport/Lukla (VNLK) is in a large hole (see screenshot), but what I cannot see on the forums is a solution for this?


Can someone help me resolve this please?






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Hi Voyager.


I have just tried doing that, and it made no difference at all. I could see AEC doing something, and all in all (including FSX-SE scenery rebuild) it took about 5mins. But no change?



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The truth is whenever you add a new airport run auto-configuration tool.

And it takes a while yes. You should expect it to end.


Now if you run it without having added any airport, the list will not increase because it has already made the collection of airports should be registered.


In the specific case of VNLK the auto-configuration did not put it to disabled airports column. If you put it there, back it to enabled column.


See it in my AEC tool:







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Thanks for your reply and help again.


Just for my understanding then, when an airport has been done in AEC is it moved from Enabled to Disabled? If so, that is not happening for me, although some are being added to disabled. Or maybe I need to keep re-running AEC until enabled is empty etc?

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BTW: I have not manually touched "Manual Configuration" section, its purely observations I make after following your instructions.


When I first followed your instructions enabled was full and Disabled was empty until AEC had finished after which Disabled was part full (say 5 items). When I re-run AEC Disabled increases to 9 items, but when i close the tool and restart it, Disabled is back to 5 items listed.

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This behavior of the auto-configuration function is not normal. There may be a corruption in the Vector installation.


But for you to understand the operation of the auto-configuration tool:


When auto-configuration tool is executed -


First, not all the airports must be registered in one of the two columns.


Second, they are registered those airports that Vector did some adjustment.


Third,  the airports that  Vector had adjusting are putting in one of the two columns.


Fourth, those airports that do not require elevation adjustments, auto-configuration tool puts them in the "disabled" columns.


And that's it.


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I have tried running it again a few times, but realize this makes no difference to FSX-SE as it no longer rebuilds the scenery etc.


See attached before and after running and applying AEC, note the Enabled and Disabled lists. These lists are how I found/see them, and are untouched by me.  The screenshot with the longer Disabled list is the after. Also my FSX-SE scenery area list.





fsx-se scenery.JPG

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9 minutes ago, Voyager said:

A silly question, did you press <apply> after auto-configuration tool finished its job?

If not, do that!




Not a silly question, but yes I did :-) I have been following your instructions closely.

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17 minutes ago, Voyager said:

This behavior of the auto-configuration function is not normal. There may be a corruption in the Vector installation.


But for you to understand the operation of the auto-configuration tool:


When auto-configuration tool is executed -


First, not all the airports must be registered in one of the two columns.


Second, they are registered those airports that Vector did some adjustment.


Third,  the airports that  Vector had adjusting are putting in one of the two columns.


Fourth, those airports that do not require elevation adjustments, auto-configuration tool puts them in the "disabled" columns.


And that's it.



Reading your comment about regarding the Vector installation, is it worth me reinstalling the ORBX software possibly?

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5 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

If you look in C:\Program Data\Microsoft, do you see only an FSX folder or do you also see an FSX-SE folder?

I see just FSX.


I have steam installing its software to my D: drive: "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX", under which I can see the ORBX folder etc.


FYI: This is a new 2 month old machine, and have only ever had FSX-SE installed on it. So was a totally clean Win 1064bit Pro system etc.

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I wouldn't worry too much about the Vector control panel.

The AEC section is designed to minimise the elevation problems caused when one of Pilot's mesh

products is added to the simulator.

To return to your original question, Lukla is a nightmare location for FSX because it can only

produce flat runways, taxiways and aprons and none of Lukla is even close to flat.

My advice would be to return the Vector control panel to its default state, or just leave it as it is

and install the freeware addon for Lukla that I linked to above.

As you can see, the skills of its developer have produced the sloping runway that is there.

It works with AEC enabled and should solve your problem with Lukla far more effectively.

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Thanks for your response, and sorry for the delay with mine.


I have made a personal decision to reinstall my FSX-SE install and everything associated with it, I do not have much installed so its a relatively easy thing to do. My plan is to install FSX-SE, the my ORBX software, run AEC and see if that makes any change to whats happening with VNLK.


Then (regardless of the outcome) I will install that freeware you mentioned, or even consider a payware version. Although free sounds good at this stage. :-)


The point of making this decision was mainly for the record here, and if there is anything we can learn from whats happening with "my" installation.


At this stage I have everything uninstalled, and have manually run through the directories to clean up etc. So now for the installation, and I will report back once I have installed ORBX etc.

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So as mentioned I am back having done a clean reinstall of my FSX-SE installation, and I am afraid that the problem is still the same in that Tenzing-Hillary Airport/Lukla (VNLK) is still in a large hole. (see attached same image as before)


For the record, this is what I did:


- removed everything, and manually checked the all the relevant directories were removed/deleted.

- Installed FSX-SE, so its effectively in its out of the box state. (FSX Steam Edition v10.0.62615.0)

- Ran FSX-SE for first time, and checked VNLK. It looks fine as per its out of the box state (and not in a hole)

- Installed FTX Global Base Pack and applied ORBX Libraries Update as prompted. (Version 1.40 September 2015)

- Ran FSX-SE, and checked VNLK. It still looks fine (and not in a hole - as expected)

- Installed FTX Global Vector and applied 1.35 update as prompted. (Version 1.35 November 2015)

- Ran FSX-SE, and checked VNLK. Now in a large hole.

- Installed FTX Global openLC Europe (not prompted to apply patch this time, however i know one took place previously). (Version 1.20 - September 2015)

- Ran FSX-SE, and checked VNLK. Still in in a large hole (as expected).

- Ran ORBX AEC (as per instructions provided above).

- Ran FSX-SE, and checked VNLK. Still in in a large hole.


Here are my versions:


FTX Global Base Pack FTX GLOBAL BASE PACK - Version 1.40 September 2015
FTX Global Vector FTX GLOBAL VECTOR PACK - Version 1.35 November 2015
FTX Global openLC Europe FTX openLC Europe Version 1.20 - September 2015

Orbx Libraries FTX AA ORBX Libraries Version 160201 1st February 2016

FTX_OLC_AA FTX openLC Base Region Version 1.10 - September 2013
FTX_OLC_EU1 FTX openLC Europe Region 1 (Baltics Demo) Version 1.10 - September 2013
FTX_OLC_NA1 FTX openLC North America Region 1 Version 1.00 - September 2013

FTX Global Vector Configuration Tool - Version 1.35


Having been through this procedure, I am sorry but I cannot help but wonder why this has not been resolved, especially as its one of the known airport. And such an obvious problem too that was raised some time ago I believe. This problem makes this airport almost unusable accept (I guess) for helicopters. Although am really tempted to try various small aircraft just to see if it can be done, but that's not the point and not the challenge I expected to be doing at VNLK ;-) )


As it was mentioned above, there is the option to install a 3rd party version of this airport either by free or paid for options. But (and I am sorry to put it like this) I would have to question why I would need to do this having paid out over £100 GBP for this software. This software is producing (in my view) very high quality visuals which I totally love and will not change for anything, but when an entire airport is in a hole like this...........what happened to quality control?


For me, at this point, I am likely to install a 3rd party version of this airport and really hope that resolves my problem. However I purchased this software for exploration purposes in FSX-SE and Oculus Rift CV1, and now cannot help but wonder if I am going to see more of these problems.


If I do experience other airports with issues, what is the procedure for reporting these to have them resolved? Is there a business process for this? Should we report them to someone or somewhere?


Finally. I have to say I totally love this product range, and have no plans at all to change it. I cannot wait to fly with it and see it through my Oculus Rift when that arrives. And the support through the forums is also clearly working well. So well done, and I hope we can work these types of glitches out! :-)





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I cannot replicate your screen shot


This is what I see with no added mesh but with Vector active and AEC enabled.

It looks passable but absolutely nothing like the real world example.




This is what it looks like with AEC disabled.

Iin each of the following screen shots, the aircraft is in exactly the same place.




This is what it looks like with some mesh added, as it does in Voyager's screen shot.




This is what it looks like with the freeware version active.




Because it is now to the left of the aircraft





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hi, or install aerosoft lukla, is have some interesting aeroport missions and good coverage of mesh.

aerosoft version is very old and some glitch if arrive from far departure, but befor landing can go scenery library and press ok, for sim rebuild it, or do it after landing, for rolling to the parking

or tapini's autor will create lukla:)

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Ok, done some more playing around with AEC, and now understand what its doing - I guess I did not quite get it before.


So at this stage I have standard FSX-SE, and FTX Global Base, FTX Global Vector, and FTX Global openLC Europe installed.


With VNLK enabled in AEC, I see this:




With VNLK disabled in AEC I see this:




Obviously I am happy to leave it AEC disabled :-)


And so the reason my terrain and airport looks different is that its in a different location compared to your screenshots?


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