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I have recently acquired LC_Europe after previously installing Global and Vector. My questions are as follows:


1. I noticed on the insertion point list that the 10 European folders or files did not appear, only something called OCL. Does this mean that the files are not active? I see that Global is active and that Vector and open_LC_Europe do exist.

2. Since I fly mostly on Scandinavia can I get better performance if I deselect folders not in use i.e. everything except 1 and 6. Should one deselect the default FSX scenery files?


John McWilliam

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Hello John and welcome to the forums.


Something called OCL is indeed Open Land Class and

includes all the folders that have been installed.

OLC is an icon in the insertion list but moves all the scenery library entries en bloc

to the chosen location.


There is no discernible advantage to disabling any Land Class entries,

I would advise that you should leave them active.

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Thanks for your reply Nick. I still need confirmation that my Vector and LC_Euroope are working as they should. I fly from Copehagen and see very little affect after installing Vector and LC over Global. The city is still lightly populated and the coastline blurred. I flew over to Malmö and found the same thing, the main landmarks are there but the housing areas are very thinly populated. The roads are blurred and when I fly north I find the lakes also poorly defined. I have used the tools to look at installed scenery and can see all three packages listed but the insertion point window only lists the components of the vector package. The 10 files making up the landclass data are missing. The list includes my freeware airports, the default FSX scenery - all lowercase and the following Orbx scenery in capitals: FTX, OLC, ORBX!VECTOR_OBJ (APT, CVX, EXX) and ORBX!VECTOR_AEC. The installed products list is as follows:

FTX Global Base Pack FTX GLOBAL BASE PACK - Version 1.40 September 2015
FTX Global openLC Europe FTX openLC Europe Version 1.20 - September 2015
FTX Global Vector FTX GLOBAL VECTOR PACK - Version 1.35 November 2015

Pacific Northwest FTX NA PNW PACIFIC NORTHWEST V1.0 PATCH 008 February 2014


Orbx Libraries FTX AA ORBX Libraries Version 160201 1st February 2016


It may be simply a question of this area of Scandinavia being less well defined. Hoping to hear from you soon.

John McWilliam

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Hello John,


You have your Open LC entries in the wrong place.

You should not expect to see them as individual entries,

the are all represented by the icon OLC.

Similarly, all your other FTX products' entries are represented

by the icon FTX.

You will see the Vector entries, they have no icon and all other addon


This is where the icons should be, ignore the OZX icon if you don't have

any OzX scenery installed.

Move one at a time and save between each move.




When you have done this and if you see no improvement, if you wish, post a screen shot, with coordinates (Shift+Z) and a comparison

can be made.

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I think you have the files correctly installed.

There is much that can be done to improve the appearance.

You might consider zooming out to perhaps 70%, this helps to increase clarity.

The scenery looks very blurred in your shots and there is little autogen and few scenery objects.

You might consider increasing the settings for both.

This does of course depend on the system specs of your PC.

This is what I see.





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OK I understand. Thanks for confirming my setup. I have another question of a more serious nature which concerns my recent purchase of PILOTS FS Global 2010 FTX from the Flight Sim Store. I have been unable to download the files correctly and am consistently getting the wrong hash codes in spite of using their recommended Download Manager. The file icons don't look like zip files (xxxxxxxx.z01 etc). I have also tried to download a free version of WinZip and here again I have problems finding a site which doesn't involve me in purchasing unwanted products. I would be prepared to pay the added fee to buy the DVD set but I have been unable to corespond with anyone at the store and am repeatedly referred to the Pilots Software site which also has limited canals for direct communication. Since this is an ORBX product I would be grateful if you could liase in some way to get this problem sorted out. Below is a printout of the hash codes I have been generating - No. 2 & 9 are the only ones matching those published by the Flight Sim Store.

John McWilliam


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Hi John

I think that you will find that PILOTS FS Global 2010 FTX is not an Orbx product but one that is made by Pilots and that it is compatible with Orbx FTX and not made by them. I would also suggest contacting the Pilots website for assistance.

The undernoted quote is taken from the Pilots website and is self explanatory.


Oct. 9th 2015: We have just handed over an updated installer for our FS Global 2010 FTX download edition into Prepar3D 3.0 to the people of "The FlightSim Store". They promised to make availabe an update for existing customers as well as to update the core files. Please check your account at The FlightSim Store for availability.



Kind regards



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