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I have upgraded to p3dv3.1 and installed FTX Global Base, FTX Global Vector, FTX NZNI and FTX NZSI. When approaching Auckland Airport NZ the sim freezes with an external view of the aircraft for a few seconds then the sim reloads. This also happens when approaching Christchurch Airport.  If I remove FTX NZNI and FTX NZSI the sim is works fine, reload them and the sim freezes again. Hope you can help.


Peter Harrall

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NZCH is pretty heavy on the frame rates. There's a thread somewhere here about a patch/fix that removes a few objects to help out a bit.


NZAA can also be pretty heavy - but not as bad as NZCH - depending on how much AI you have running. Are you running Holger's Pacific/Oceania AI? Try turning down AI traffic a notch or two - and maybe reduce ground/airport vehicles as well.


I find frame rates bad in both, but I don't get the freeze you describe at all. You're saying "the sim reloads". Do you mean a complete P3D crash or just a forced reload/rebuild of the scenery?


Have you tried deleting/refreshing the shaders cache?




P.S. Oh - and by the way - welcome to the forum!!


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Hi Guys

Thank you for your replies, First of all I do not have my sliders in the sim at max, I understood that p3dv3 can handle max. I have no A1 traffic other than what is in Orbx Libraries which is the latest. Have removed FTX Global Base as one suggestion was that it could conflict with  the two NZ Scenery's. I reran FTX Central "Oceania" and applied but it still happens. 

Cheers Pete

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