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Dumb question about multiple sim platforms and FTX

Norvel Reeves

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My first post, here (I may have accidentally posted this previously but I can't find it anywhere), asks a question.


I have both P3D (V3.1) and FSX-SE installed on different drives.  I've already installed FTX NA NCA on P3D and have FTX Central 2 running.  I also have ORBXLibs151213 installed.


It has recently occurred to me that I might be able to install NCA on my FSX-SE while keeping it installed and active on P3D  (for the record, FSX-SE has GEX NA  and UTX NA 2 (the later of which already seems to be working fine <knocks wood> alongside NCA under P3D V3.1).  I haven't tried this yet, and would not be either surprised or all-that-disappointed if it turns out it can't be done.  A clause in the EULA (yes, I read them... sometimes!) caught my eye, and prompted this post:



....You may install, access, and run a SINGLE copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a SINGLE personal computer....


(note the "SINGLE" in caps... twice).  If in spite of my caution it's OK to do this, how do I do it?  I couldn't find any instructions here or in the documentation that I read.  This suggests that such a thing is at least not encouraged.


Just checking, actually.


Appreciate any help.

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I'm not sure where your quote comes from, but I went down this path a while ago myself. I seem to remember a post (somewhere!) from John Venema himself, stating that multiple installs of the same product *on the same PC* were fine.


I have FSX, P3Dv2 and P3DV3.1 all on the same PC - all running happily. The great thing about the multi-installers is that if you've already installed the product in one sim, you're not prompted again for registration details (already in the Windows registry) - making it quite painless. I know it's a bit of a waste of HD space, having everything in triplicate, but I don't have Global so it's not too bad.




OOOOPS! Forgot to say **Welcome**!!! You'll find the natives here quite friendly!

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Thanks, guys! I suspected this was OK to do but it's not in my nature to ignore what I read just because it seems convenient to do so.

The clause I quoted comes (cut and pasted) from the End User License Agreement (EULA) that comes up during installation and is also distributed with the product, in the "FTX NA Gold NCA Users Guide" PDF file. The clause that I quoted in the EULA has a "boilerplate" look; I've seen the almost exact same words for a number of software products (I have a strange habit of often reading through EULAs and privacy agreements before clicking accept!).

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that ORBX take any action to change their EULA. Just checking.

It'll be great to have NCA (and other FTX regions when I get them) on both my sim platforms! Please consider this issue "resolved".

Thanks, again, for your help!


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Actually, I'm glad you asked the question. It comes up every now and again and I think it's an important point. The ORBX guys are certainly more flexible than most developers. I almost fell off the chair when JV said it was a "one PC" policy, not a "one installation" policy. I think the more you hang around here the more you'll like this place. Come back often.




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