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KFHR One bad texture dds file!

Pete S.

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While installing KFHR, I received a notice of a corrupted Texture file  "FA01.dds",  I tried reinstalling KFHR and got the same error so I decided to ignore it finished the install. So far I haven't seen any problems in KFHR scenery.
Since no one else seems to have this problem, I guess my download got corrupted,  since I have not seen any problems and I don't want to waste the bandwidth downloading the whole thing again, can anyone tell me what this texture file is and if not replaced will it eventually rear it's ugly head?

Can I download just this one texture file [FA01.dds} and avoid the big download?  


BTW the detail in KFHR is fantastic, a true work of art!

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One thing I now do (which I never used to) is to check the MD5 value and run a (free) MD hash value checker on the newly downloaded file. That way I can be sure that what I have on my local PC is *identical* to the one on the server.


However - even if the download archive is OK, you may get corruption as you extract from the [main] zip archive - but at least you can have another go, or try extracting it on another machine.


Having got *that far*, it's possible that something got stuffed up when the installer ran and extracted its various bits and pieces in a local temporary folder immediately prior to running the actual install procedure.


Again - things can go wrong here: lack of proper write permissions to that [temporary] folder or lack of space. After a failed install, I'd try to make sure that all these temporary files have been removed - or maybe point to a totally different temporary location.


If you get past all these successfully, I can't see how you could end up with single corrupt .dds file. Weird!



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As has already been suggested, the best idea would be to redownload the installer. This would be the only way to ensure that there's nothing else missing.


Make sure to extract the files in the download zip to a temporary folder first. You should be able to reinstall from the new download without removing the currently installed airport folder.





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Ok, I downloaded KFHR again, this time from a different server. The program installed with no errors and the .dds file in question is in now the Texture folder.

All is well, again,  in the Stepanoff World!


Thanks to all,  for your input

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