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Where do I put text file for PAGS update?


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Hi all,


Just a really quick question - I recently purchased Gustavus Airport (PAGS). I downloaded the installer and executed it. When I run FTX Central it tells me to update to Version 1.05


I checked the release notes here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/102520-ftx-pags-gustavus-airport-triple-installer-released/


And got the ZIP containing the missing manual and version text file. But where do I put the text file? I've tried a few places with no luck so far.


If someone could put me in the right direction I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!

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27 minutes ago, Penzoil3 said:

X:\Your Flight Sim\OrbX\User Documents\Versions 

                     Substitute your drive letter, and Microsoft Games\FSX, or Lockheed Martin\P3D x for " your flight sim".


That did it! Thank you both!

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