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Black/Missing textures after installing Orbx's products

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Hi, just that. When running Global in South America some payware airports just show their perimeter as black squares, or there will be default taxiway/runway texture with the terminal building in black. Also one of my airplanes now show a black rotating texture as a propeller and has got "tinted" (black) windows now. This is no coincidence, this all started gradually after installing Orbx products. When running SceneryConfigEditor ( I don't know how to use it) it says "Path is non Unique" for every single addon scenery I have, including Orbxs. This is not the turkish issue as I checked the .cfg. I guess it is related to dual paths but don't know how it happened nor how to solve it.


Thanks for your time

FsxSE, Windows 7 64 bit



Ignacio Allende

FSS0427810 Global VECTOR 1.3 / Global BASE   1.4 / Global openLC North America Alaska Canada / Trees HD

FSS0271973 NA Blue USA/Canada Northern Rocky Mountains 1.4

FSS0271971 NA Blue USA/Canada Pacific Northwest 1.8

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Hi Jeff, thanks for your support. Here are the pics. I forgot to mention that the problem developed gradually (at least for SCEL) and it came to stay regardless which Orbx area is active. All these pics were taken with North America region active. All the scenery is payware.


This message appeared last night, but not today. Maybe something I fixed by trying to understand SceneryConfigurationTool



How Santiago de Chile SCEL looks



How Lima Spim looks



How Montevideo SUMU looks. This is probably the only one as far as tested that lacks some textures but doesn't show the large rectangle.



So I tried something different in order to establish a pattern. I had not installed yet any addon scenery for Brazil. This is how Sao Paulo Guarulhos SBGR default airport looks like.



After installing the addon scenery today it solves the problem. Please notice later on that this is not listed as a duplicate path scenery in the config tool (yet?).



How default Los Angeles KLAX looks like. Have not tried any more default sceneries, but I guess the result/problem would be the same. Here you can also notice my airplane having texture issues as well (propeller and windows)




How CastlegarX looks like (just in case to show addon scenery not in South America).





My scenery library



And here what I think is responsible for the textures problem. Don't know yet about the messing default sceneries.



Just after inserting this pic I noticed the path at the header. My FSX-SE is installed in my SSD drive E:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX. I had only look after more .cfg files at C:\Users\Guna Tower\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. C:\ProgramData was hidden, but I managed to browse it, and indeed found another scenery.cfg.



Scrolling to the bottom I found the addon entries. They all had Remote= instead of Local=, like SBGR had and was working fine. I edited SCEL accordingly and voila, solved!. I'll manually edit the rest. How this happened I don't know. It doesn't fix the default messing sceneries nor the Cessna either.



A couple of days ago when I installed your products I chose FSX-SE in Paralell optionm which led me to numerous errors. Yesterday I reinstalled your products under FSX only option in E:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX with no observations until this developed.


This is how my FTX Central2 looks like.









Thanks again Jeff! hope we can work this out completely.










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Hi there Canalguna,


I regret to say I am not part of the team, but merely an Orbx Supporter, with limited knowledge of an FSX:SE installation and no knowledge of "Scenery Config Editor".

Unfortunatley my knowledge is limited to FSX boxed versions DX9 and some aspects of DX10 & P3Dv1x&2x PC setups and Hardware.


I was hoping someone from the Orbx team might be able to assist you with your issue when equipped with some pictures. Someone who is also familiar with FSX:SE and your Utility SCE program. Team member Nick Cooper, has greater knowledge on these than I, hopefully he will review your topic and come up with some suggestions.


Thankyou for the pictures and additional information BTW,  they will certainly be useful in tracking down your setup location issue, scenery library/insertion points relating to OLC & Vector placement, and hopefully nail down the cause of those large black untextured areas (very impressive anomaly, which is definitely related to the scenery.cfg errors). I also see that you have some land class issues, which will also be related to the Active Scenery.cfg and your Library insertion points, though I suspect there are multiple issues going on in your FSX:SE setup along with your "Scenery Config Editor", and where it chose to record your Active library order from the FSX:SE installation.

I also do not know exactly why that float plane has no transparent prop and glass, other than it may not have a transparency alpha channel applied to the prop/glass texture or it is not a native FSX model. I assume the prop and glass are not black when viewed from inside the cockpit. The glass & external prop texture alpha channel can be altered using a program called (DXTBmp by Martin Wright - html help files when installed explain how to export/edit/alter textures, save texture type).

Once again, sorry I could not assist this time, hopefully help is on its way shortly.


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Where to start,  Ignacio?

I have copied all the numbers from your screenshot and accessed your diagnostic report.

(The idea is that you copy and paste the number into a post so that we can copy and paste it also).

There is no scenery.cfg file listed, without which nothing will work.

I can see from your picture that it is in an FSX-SE folder, but you have installed FSX as

the only version, so all the Orbx software is looking for folders named FSX.

I would suggest that it will not be easy to repair what you have created

but we can try.

First, please read this topic and see if you can put your FSX installation into order.

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First of all thanks again Jeff, it is your will that counts. And thank you Nick for a quick and effective support as well. I followed the procedures described and I am glad to tell you that the problem is solved, I guess the aircraft is my fault and I am working on it. Oh and I am sorry Nick you are right about the diagnostic report number, wilco next time.


Just one last thing; it seems I need to have the mesh resolution set at 76m and the texture resolution at 1m. Any setting other than that will make default airport runway/taxiway/apron textures to override payware scenery and float above it. My aircraft will bury a bit and I will not be able to see the payware textures for runways/taxiways/aprons. This is not something new nor related to Orbx, but I read in your manuals the suggestion to crank those values up but I'll be losing my airports. Maybe you've seen this case before and know a workaround?, otherwise I'll remain stuck at low mesh values and texture resolutions.

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Hi Ignacio,

I'm glad Nick was able to help, and that your sim is now behaving much better. My will was strong but my application was weak.


12 hours ago, Canalguna said:

Just one last thing; it seems I need to have the mesh resolution set at 76m and the texture resolution at 1m. Any setting other than that will make default airport runway/taxiway/apron textures to override payware scenery and float above it. My aircraft will bury a bit and I will not be able to see the payware textures for runways/taxiways/aprons. This is not something new nor related to Orbx, but I read in your manuals the suggestion to crank those values up but I'll be losing my airports. Maybe you've seen this case before and know a workaround?, otherwise I'll remain stuck at low mesh values and texture resolutions


On the Mesh side, Orbx does recommend FSX scenery slider (5m "Mesh Resolution")  for all products, and on some occasions 2m for a few of their airports, with (7cm "Texture Resolution"), 15cm will also work.

Do you use an addon mesh product like "Pilots FSGlobal2010 or Ultimate or FSGenesisMesh".

With the exception of Holgermesh for FTX Australia full Region, I use default FSX mesh, with Mesh Res slider always set to "5m". When flying FTX Full Regions the Orbx region supplied mesh is active and called into memory by the simulator.


Now that your FSX:SE install location, scenery.cfg, and insertion points are in order, you should have no difficulty achieving 5m Mesh Res. The thing I would recommend you do, because you have FTXG Vector, is open FTXCentral or from the Vector AEC configuration desktop icon, and run the Vector AEC auto configuration tool, it should find all the airfields and switch them appropriately, so that you won't have those airfields as floating or sinking.

Hope this works, though I feel it should work correctly now delivering the 5m mesh res that is needed for Orbx products.

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