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Problems with CEF4 (Airdrie Airpark)

Sante Sottile

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Good evening,


I recently purchased CEF4 Airdrie Airpark (1.10) for FSX. The airport and surroundings look fantastic as usual but, it seems I am experiencing major issues with performance. I have read through the FTX guides and tried un-selecting (ALL) options within the configure tool but, still getting terrible frames. I also tend to get black pop up's surrounding the airport. (This never happened with any other Orbx product that I own). 


Out of all the Orbx products that I have, all of them perform extremely well, except this one. Has anyone else experienced this with Airdrie? Hope there's a solution. 


Thanks for your time.




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1 hour ago, Double J said:


Double J,


Thanks for the information. Looks like i'm in the same boat. Hope Orbx have a chance to revisit this airstrip and solve the performance issues. It's unfortunate, really. Beautiful Airport. 




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Hi there,


Just waiting to see if there anyone from the Orbx team who can comment regarding the performance of Airdrie? Will it be updated and optimized better in the future?


Like I said, all other products run very well and i'm very happy with them. As of right now, Airdrie is un-flyable.


Thanks for your time,


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Good morning,


I don't mean to be cheeky here, or if this comes off the wrong way..There has been no answer from any of the Orbx support staff regarding my questions. It's a little frustrating to say the least. Especially when, this is posted right on the top of the Support page on your website:


"Welcome to World Class Support! No questions unanswered. Our philosophy at Orbx is "the customer is king". If you've got any issues with FTX, from installation assistance, performance tuning, bugs, or just any general queries about any aspect of FTX or the simulators we support, then please visit the Orbx Support Forums and we'll be ready to provide assistance."


I am considering getting a refund or a credit transfer for another Orbx product. As of right now, it's almost been a week without an answer to my initial questions. I find that Airdrie is only partially flyable with all settings "Unchecked". Thus, kills the immersion factor. All other products perform very nicely. If it's being considered for a future update, then i'm fine with it for now. 


Thanks for your time and sorry to be bothersome.



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