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NL2000 or FTX Global +


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Good evening Derek,


There were a couple of threads, the last few months, on that question that you can find on this forum. 


On the technical issue you raised, last time I tried, the NL2000 airports had still their proprietary format and needed the NL2000 photo-imagery background to be installed.  As any imagery overlays the textured ground, you cannot install them over the Global+Vector combo.

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Hi Derek

I have NL2000 installed and frequently use the airports loaded directly to FTX Global. I do not think that there is too much of a mismatch (Perhaps colour and the odd tree out of place) and I have attached two photos of EHBD Budel/Kempen Airport for you to compare.




The first is FTX Global on it's own and the second includes NL2000 EHBD.


One of the benefits of NL2000 software is that it includes a good installation program that makes it easy loading and unloading airports and Photoreal scenery so if you are like me and do not like Photoreal then you do not have to use it.

Another advantage is that you can install it outside of FTX so if you decide  at some stage that you do not want it, it is easy to uninstall.


Hope this helps


Kind regards



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Hi Ian. Thank you that helped a lot. Yea I'm not keen on photoreal either, that is what put me off using NL 2000. Are most of the Netherlands airports covered in Global. Probably just the main ones I expect. Must have a flight around there again to check. Thanks all for your help. Derek.

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2015-6-1_8-37-40-951copy.jpgIan is right, in that you CAN indeed use the NL2000 freeware airports in FTX Global. I have them all installed, and I'm also using Global Vectors and European OpenLC. They do blend very well.....in summer. As Ian's photograph demonstrates, if you go into 'fall' then the difference in hue will start to show. The same is true of Winter and Spring of course.


I have all the individual airports saved on a storage drive, so I can easily add them to FSX or FSX-SE manually. However (as was mentioned), the only way to install them initially is via the NL2000 installer. Another good thing about the NL2000 airfields is that most (if not all) are very easily customisable, due to the fact the object placement bgl's have been compiled using 'Instant Scenery'. As that programme recognises its own placement format, removing dozens of cars or trees is as simple as pressing a key. In fact that's ALL you have to do. Handy for recovering FPS in places such as Eindhoven where the individual custom tree placement is pretty vast!


As a freeware offering, the NL2000 airfield collection is a gem! They also make for useful stepping stones to the FTX freeware German airfields.


(in edit). I've just noticed the default airport background creeping beyond the NL2000 PhotoReal. Its not distracting whilst flying around in the sim, but a quick rectification in A.D.E will make it blend even better. You are going to ask me which airport it is now, aren't you? I've forgotton, but would hazard a guess at Maastricht?:D


And (Hopefully) this is EHBD as it sits with FTX Vectors and EU OpenLC in Summer. Actually, looking again at Ian's shot, his might be Summer too, but my EHBD looks a little less green in comparison? Probably time of day, or that photo texture graphics trick that was advertised on here once? Oh well.



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Hi Mike. Yours doesn't look to bad at all, so think I might get the Airports and see what happens. See you and Ian said to put them on another drive, what sort of folder do you put them in and how do you link them to FSX, and I use FSX-SE. Cheers Derek.

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Hi Derek.


There might have been a slight misunderstanding in regards to my mention of 'another drive'. What I meant was: A year or two ago, I installed the NL2000 airports via the dedicated installer. When I later went on to perform a reinstall of FSX, I first saved the individual NL2000 airport sceneries to a storage drive.


All that means is I can create a NL2000 folder within the FSX\FSX-SE root directory (or anywhere you choose), and simply add them to the FSX scenery menu in the usual way, because my saved folders are in the conventional format (if you see what I mean?) No special magic required. I have all of the NL2000 airfields in FSX, and the larger ones (Eindhoven, Groningen and Maastricht) in FSX-SE and they work just as well in either.

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Hi Derek


Glad you found my photos useful and those of Mike's show just what can be expected.

I have my Flightsim installed in my D:/ drive and when loading NL2000 I have set it to also load to D:/NL2000. This automatically loads into my Flightsim as soon as I tick a box on the NL200 installer saying that I want to load a particular Airport or Airports or indeed one of the Photoreal areas (if that is what you want).

This method has allowed me to load and unload FSX-Steam Edition and P3D v2.5 several times so far without having to do anything about the NL2000 file on my D:/ drive. All that is required when I once more decide to wipe FSX-Steam Edition and reload is to go to my NL2000 file, tick the Airports I want and go. I do not need to reload it again.


Happy flying


Kind regards



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Thanks Joop.

I have to say, your NL2000 airfields are amongst my favourite destinations in FSX, so its nice that they work so well within FTX Global\EU Open LC. Now if your team could just knock up a 3D Efteling, it would bring back some very pleasant childhood memories :D.

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