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Possible memmory leak in Global series


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Today i completad a 7hrs and 30 min flight from Dubai to Oslo in P3Dv3. The first 6hrs and 30min was my VAS usage about 2.5GB. The last 30 minutts befor TOD i lose 600MB VAS. From TOD to Gate i lose les than 400MB VAS.


I have doon flights earliger with around the same flighttime, and the amount off VAS i lose the last 30 min before TOD have never bee soo hi like todays flight.


Todays flight take me across south part off sweeden and the west coast off sweeden. When i enter the coastline of Norway the amounth off free was go upp some few MB before it start to dropp when i come closer to the airport.


The was allmoast clear sky the last 60 min off the flight.


I hop ORBX take a look at this erea to chech out why the VAS use explode here at 36000feet.


Addons used:

ORBX Global

ORBX Global Wector

FlyTampa Dubai

Aerosoft Oslo v2

PMDG 777

FS Global real wethear

FSGlobal 2010

And freeware AI traffic

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Are you making this same post over on the Aerosoft forums Steinar? I question the method you use to deduce that this is somehow an ORBX issue, because you did not share your testing approach here.

Perhaps you should try this flight again with AS Olso V2 not installed?

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The Problem is not the lose of around 400MB VAS from TOD to gate, but the lose of 600MB vas the last 30 min at 36000feet in sweedish airspace Party Chairman. 


I have testet Flytampa Dubai VS Aerosoft Oslo v2 to look about the VAS this two scenery use, and the amount off VAS at this two airport use with no AI traffic are allmoast the same. And the difrence in VAS at Dubai with and without AI traffic are less the 100MB extra use off VAS.

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Ther is no reason for that PMDG B777 at only in this aerea of south sweeden must start to use 600MB VAS in 30 min after over 6hrs flight with stable VAS usage. And as i have say in my first post. I have done another flights in another place in the world with the same Aircraft, and this scenario not happend at all.

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