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Hi All,

I tested DX10 on FSX last night and was pleased with the results..

One anomolie I had was that all the aircraft lights  Beacon/Strobe all flashed as Squares   IE The light it gave off was square???...Odd

Anybody know how to fix this??

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Yep, don't use DX10.

It also plays merry hell with textures on many add-on aircraft that are ports from FS9.

Some people here swear by it, but I personally don't use it, as I've got heaps of add-ons that have heart attacks with it.


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  • 10 months later...

I just want to discuss DX10 a bit more. I'm running GPU-z in the background at the moment and with DX10 preview off and everything maxed, I get stuttering with 20fps locked framerates. I'm also seeing GPU getting up into the 90% a lot of the time and @ YSSY especially, it was at above 90% all the time (I've got a gtx 260 so). Now... turn DX10 on and its a whole different kettle of fish. GPU use has gone down to 35% at most in a mission (haven't tried YSSY yet) but... same place, same maxed out settings, same plane, and now I'm able to move the mouse around wildly with space depressed (look around mode) and I'm not dropping to below 15fps! This is insanely better. I can't help but ask... does ORBX have DX10 support (EDIT: perhaps a better question might be... is ORBX FTX DX10 optimised at all? Because in all honesty guys... with all the horror stories I've read... DX10 is the bomb.

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I know I'm repeating myself, take clear notice that fsX is a DX9 based application, the DX10 "preview mode" is only a halfbaked gadget.

So be prepared for the obvious like, missing textures, odd looking lights and some more goofy happenings.

at the end it's your choice, but with a decent puter you don't need to go there imho

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I just want to discuss DX10 a bit more. I'm running GPU-z in the background at the moment and with DX10 preview off and everything maxed, I get stuttering with 20fps locked framerates. I'm also seeing GPU getting up into the 90% a lot of the time and @ YSSY especially, it was at above 90% all the time (I've got a gtx 260 so). Now... turn DX10 on and its a whole different kettle of fish. GPU use has gone down to 35% at most in a mission (haven't tried YSSY yet) but... same place, same maxed out settings, same plane, and now I'm able to move the mouse around wildly with space depressed (look around mode) and I'm not dropping to below 15fps! This is insanely better. I can't help but ask... does ORBX have DX10 support (EDIT: perhaps a better question might be... is ORBX FTX DX10 optimised at all? Because in all honesty guys... with all the horror stories I've read... DX10 is the bomb.

I have the same card as you, the CORE216 version. (these cards are DX10 based)  I fly with DX10 on all the time.  If I had to fly with DX9, I would choose to do something else with my time, perhaps play a newer title.  Unfortunately, as Wolter states, DX10 was only a 'half-baked gadget' that never saw fruition.(I believe because the support for this sim dried up)  Quite unfortunate really, because its performance and looks are so much better when viewed on a DX10 card (NOT an 8800, for example) except of course for the graphical errors like on the runways/taxiways.  ORBX is not DX10 optimized at all, and I don't think it ever will be supported by them because it is NOT implemented correctly.  My hope is that someone does find a way to update FSX to use DX10, or even DX11 to its full capabilities.......      I think that FSX has still got some legs, and I would love to see it get a facelift!!

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Search, you will find info, lots of it, some things can be worked around, most cant, but at least you will understand it all a bit better

http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?action=search2 and add the word: DX10

Sure DX10 runs better on my system, but the side effects make it not worth it to me, and I am totally satisfied with the perf I get with DX9 (look at my sig for more info)

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Manually ADD the DX10 and 11 dll's and you won't have the issues . Windows is  to coin a phrase as dumb as dog shit and basically relies on applications to KNOW what they need BUT various security isssue's in Windows screw this up.

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Starting to get the gist of it.

Sure DX10 runs better on my system, but the side effects make it not worth it to me, and I am totally satisfied with the perf I get with DX9 (look at my sig for more info)

What side effects are we talking about exactly here? Apart from the flickering runway and taxiways, I haven't seen anything else.

Manually ADD the DX10 and 11 dll's and you won't have the issues . Windows is  to coin a phrase as dumb as dog shit and basically relies on applications to KNOW what they need BUT various security isssue's in Windows screw this up.

What dll's are we talking about exactly?

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The various DLL's that AREN'T added from the CAB files in the DirectX Redistributable pack that are additional files for DX9 and 10 that remove a lot of errors in XP

I'm not quite sure how to phrase this question so I'll just say it how it is... I don't know what dll's you're talking about exactly so if you could post a link that describes the process or outline the dll's that need to be moved, that would be great. P.S. I'm a bit surprised that XP has these security issues. If you run it in Admin mode, everythign should be sweet? It's Win 7 (what I'm on at the moment) and Vista that should have the issue with the whole admin pop ups feature that has been incorporated into them.

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Radio activity in the pasture must be getting to ya 'ol Sheep :P

I don't think I mentioned anything regarding security in XP

but when you unpack the redistributable bundle. to a DirectX folder in your archive, then go to that directory and select the .CAB file you want and open it and extract the files contained within and then install them.

eg. select the Aug2009_d3dx10_42_x86.cab and open it then extract all the files to a sub folder for instance and then right click on the d3dx10_42_x86_xp.inf say and install this will install this dll.  many of these dlls are not installed by default and need to be done manually because the DXwebSetup.exe will not.

I have had to do this with some games and simulations simply because a DX file was not installed and was needed by that game.

This is why I have DX10 working in XP when it is not supposed to be able to do so.

Not in FSX of course but another sim is quite different in DX10.

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