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Help dam hidden files.


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Hi just getting near the end of a reinstall steam version, been installing files all morning and yesterday now all of a sudden after i unzip a file, go to run it and theres nothing there. Installed five england airports all ok , whent to update them, they unzipped ok and then whent to the install folder and theres nothing in the folder. Tried to install Rex Ess. that i downloaded the other day, copied it to a folder, ran the unzip looked ok and before my eyes the dam exe flie dissapeard. Tried deleting them and unticked and reticked show hidden flies,whats going on. Getting so near the end to and no hiccups, all working fine. Derek.

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Read my post I don't have trouble unzipping, it's the hidden files thing, no matter what I do it's not showing all files and when it does before I can get to them they dissapear.

Well the exe file does. Not all .

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Hi. Sorry getting so annoyed about it all,of course it's about the unzipping, but mainly about hidden files as wether the show hidden files is ticked or unticked most times the exe file is missing or its there for a couple seconds before it dissapears. I just can not understand it, it was ok this morning, installed loads of stuff then after lunch it started playing up and I've got about another 15 files to download yet. Sorry ranting. Derek.

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