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I just stumbled across FTX AU AI Traffic 4.0 and downloaded it, hoping there would be a .txt file saying what it is all about and how it co-exists with other traffic programs. However, upon downloading and starting to load, it launches off into loading routine etc and still no txt file saying what is going to happen.I stopped the load. Maybe this is normal, but concerns me a tad about creating havoc in my AI system. Is there any 'manual' on FTX AI?


I want to know how it lives with say MyTraffic 6 and do I have to do some thing with it to disable some of its traffic so we don't get a double up?  MT6 is a great program with copious amount of traffic, but no time table as such. Does FTX AU AI operate as per a time table that reflects real life?


I would imagine the AU Traffic 4.0 refers to Australian based traffic, eg, domestic and maybe international, say QFA originating from Australia? Do i still have to have MT6 running in some fashion to cater for other airline traffic into/out of Australia? and for when I say land in Singapore?


Do I need to download any base models?


I have two machines. Will AU AI Traffic work ok on both FSX and FSX-SE?


FSX on Win7 64 bit and all my FTX software

FSX-SE with win 8.1, and currently no FTX software. Can I load the FSX FTX software on my FSX-SE machine?


Sorry for all the very basic questions, but google search did not help me.

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Hello Holger,

Thank you for the link. This explains most things and i guess the only way to see how it works is to try. Some further questions if I may....


Does the AI traffic only work at FTX airports?


Will the schedules, or any further updates be happening now that the author of the series has retired?


Is it possible to update the schedules, models and repaints your self with say AIFP? because it would be a pity to see all the work put into the schedules suddenly end.

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