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Win 10 registry.


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Hi. Can some one point me to how to get into the Win 10 registry as I need to make sure there is nothing about FSX there. Been having problems trying to install FSX normally so going back to install it on Steam. It did install there ok but all so did not run, but will probably be easier to sort out. It's either that or a complete format of my drives and a fresh install of Windows 10. Thanks cheesed off Derek.

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Hi Nick. But I am getting an error code 1722 and the error code 1603 trying to reinstall FSX and I have checked on line and there is a software that you can download been out for a while but not sure if its OK for win 10 and it fixes this problem. Unless you know another way. how else am I going to get to install FSX. Derek.

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I'm sorry Derek, I have no idea what has gone wrong.

It is most unlikely, however, that deleting a registry entry for FSX SE will

solve an installer error for FSX boxed.


Do you think it might be worth letting Windows 10 refresh itself but

without keeping any of your files and settings?

I suspect that your Windows Registry is probably broken beyond


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Hi Nick. I don't know getting really fed up with it. You mean like I have where I had to reset Windows but this time instead of keeping my files I let it delete them. This will be just on my C drive yes. So prob will have to install all my stuff as the links won't be there. Derek.

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I think it's your Windows Registry that's damaged and is causing the error messages when you try to

re-install either FSX version.

I don't know enough about the registry to point you to the solution and from previous research on

the Internet, the most common "solution" found is to re-install everything from the start.


It might be the best way, as with all the errors you have come across, the chance of an installation

working properly after all this is very slim.

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Hi. Yes good idea. Did install FSX se just now but still no go. Then realised had Steam on two drives, don't know if that makes a difference, so deleted one and just sorting out the other. If that don't work will try as you say to redo Windows.

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I had the same problem with my system after "upgrading" to Win 10. I had houses on runways, factory buildings on aprons and a complete disaster with all my add-on scenery. So I decided to do a clean install with FSX. That didn't work either because it would not install and kept giving me error codes. I called Microsoft who took control of my computer for 3 hours and they could not get it to install either. Finally they told me that FSX is not compattable with Win 10 and especially add-on scenery. So now I have to do not only a clean in stall of FSX but also a clean install of Win 7 because I missed the 30 day window to revert back to Win 7 which is going to take me a couple of days. Microsoft told me they might issue an update to fix this problem in the future, but have no idea when. So my advice to everyone is do not install Win 10.

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Hi. Right did a reinstall of Win10, not actually formatting the drives but it cleared all the folders from the drives. Tried FSX again it came up with to select your drive OK, then it started, it innitialised ok then came withe loading box with five blue boxes in the loading bar then came up with removing applications ? And seems to stick there and do nothing. That does not sound right. So now trying Steam again. I don't suppose anybody has a spare set of FSX discs or a copy I could buy. I know you can buy them else where but they are expensive. Derek.

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