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Leg 16 - With a little help from my friends (26 shots)

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Hey guys, I haven't been over here updating this OR even just checking posts at FTX for a little while now, cos lets face it.. It takes time to repair a plane after a belly landing (amongst everything else that has been going on at OZx and real world...)

So anyways, see here for where we left off with VH-DSR "Boxing Kangaroo" lying forlorn in the dirt at Denmark in Western Australia.  Well, following that little incident, I called around various SF-260 owners throughout Australia looking for parts to get me back in the air and up to Jandakot for my new paint job.  The response was tremendous!  Within half an hour I had all the parts I needed plus 5 SF-260's and one Australia Post Beechcraft Baron flying parts to me from all corners of Oz!  Actually, it turned out that all the parts were aboard the Baron, the rest were just along to help me put it all together and come along with me on the flight for a bit!

Here we are, lined up at Demark for a photo opportunity for the local paper before departing for Margaret River.. Top to bottom: Mitchell flying the Baron, Andy in VH-SIA, Tommy in VH-VOZ, your's truly in VH-DSR, Tom in VH-MWL and Anthony in VH-OZX.  Not shown: Ryan in VH-PJT.  He was running a bit late..

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And here is the "camera ship" for that last shot.. A classic Grumman Goose doing some insane low passes over the airfield!  Would've been great to have him along for the flight up the coast too, but alas, the pilot had other commitments..

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Unfortunately, Anthony and Tom both had issues with their aircraft while at Denmark (Anthony had a failed alternator, and Tom couldn't get his flaps to go up after takeoff.  He did a circuit and landed with half flaps and called it quits for the day.)  You wouldn't read about it!  Hopefully they can catch up to join in for another leg...

Forming up next to Mitch in the Baron and showing off some of VH-DSR's (re-dubbed "Dirty Kangaroo") battle scars with a very second hand flap on the right wing.  Still, beggars can't be choosers!

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Formation with Tommy in VH-VOZ.  A great looking aircraft commemorating good times gone by...

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And now formed up on Andy in Sierra India Alpha.  A brilliant paint job of an aircraft that in this flight is actually the only real world paint scheme!

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Andy and I chasing down Mitchell..  Not an easy task when the Baron has 20 or 30 knots on the 260...

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A shot showing the damage underneath with the repaired flap on the left and the replaced flap on the right..

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Margaret River airfield in sight..  After landing here, I decided to hang around and wait for Ryan while the other guys made the 21 NM hop up to Busselton..

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Here I am with Ryan setting up for a formation takeoff. 3... 2... 1...  Full throttle!

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... and, Liftoff! That was fun!  Lets try it with a few more aircraft next time!

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On finals to Busselton where the rest of the guys were in the terminal having a coffee while they waited (For continuity of the story, just pretend that you can see all their aircraft on the tarmac... The shots in this leg actually came from 2 seperate multiplayer sessions and one solo session :P )

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On the ground with everyone here..

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Another formation takeoff... Why no smoke Ryan?  Feel like the odd one out much?

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Mitchell ahead and Andy above as we head in the general direction on Bunbury..

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Formation touch down with Tommy and Ryan.  Ahh, theres your smoke Ryan!  Feel like the odd one out AGAIN much?! :P:D

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The 5 of us parked at Bunbury.  Fantastic little airfield in the OZx pack this one!  Highly recommend it!

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A very messy formation takeoff from Bunbury.  Seems we all got distracted by a drunken lunatic on the runway ( ;):P::))

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A close-up look at a couple of my new sponsors..  2 for some of the parts that were replaced after the crash, and one perhaps a hint of things to come?...  Also, there are actually 2 other aircraft in this shot.  See if you can spot and identify them?

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Passing Wagerup Refinery on the way to Dwellingup with an unexpected participant flying past at lower than usual altitude.  (Someone forgot to put a password on the multiplayer flight! :P)

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On the ground at Dwellingup with Tommy's aircraft getting a bit frisky with Ryan's (it was getting a bit late, people were getting a bit silly :P)

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Forming up on Andy as we get started on the final section of this leg, on the way to Jandakot and a new paint job...

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A quick flypast before landing...

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.. and then established on final behind VH-SIA..

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On the ground in front of the Aero Club for another photoshoot.  And yes, you have had too much to drink, there really is only one VH-SIA in this shot. (thanks for coming Trev, but next time I'll think we'll make sure there aren't two of the same aircraft in the flight.  I apologise for calling you Andy in some of the above shots :D... Actually, in a couple of the first shots, VH-SIA was being flown by Tommy in a different MP session, so he got called Andy too... :P, and the Baron was being flown by TonyM in one of those shots...)

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And for my final shot, that bloke in the black suit back at Albany all those weeks ago gave me very distinct directions for which hanger to park the aircraft in when I got to Jandakot... This has to be it.  Its the only one with the doors open!

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See you soon with another adventure and a NEW paintjob.  Incidentally, VH-DSR "Dirty Kangaroo" paint scheme as seen in these shots is available for download over at OZx.  My first "Official" repaint (as in, one that I did completely myself, not an edit of one of Ryan's paints) will be available there too as soon as I officially unveil it here in this journey.  Just got a couple more finishing touches to do and it'll be right to go! :D

Thanks for looking!  The next leg should see us through to Shark Bay via Beverly, Quairading, Cunderdin and Mingenew.  But give it a week or so for the paint to dry first....

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Guest mitch

i seamed odd out flying the baron

ill be happy to join you on your next leg

but lets leave a little earlyer NOT 2 hour after we where ment to leave  :D

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