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Missing Textures

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I have FTX Global, Vector and OpenLC Europe packs all installed in my fsx (steam edition). However, as you can see, there appears to be cream textures/missing textures over the west of Ireland. Everywhere else I've flown in Europe appears to be fine. I've reinstalled FSX-OrbxFTXopenLC_EU_North100.zip and updated to version 1.15. Do you have any suggestions of a solution for this problem.


Many thanks,





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Hi Stewart,


assuming that all four parts of openLC Eu are correctly installed then it's likely a third-party landclass file at higher display priority than the Orbx entries that causes the issue (the sharp edge at the left of your screenshot suggests that as well). Sometimes those landclass files are associated with airport add-ons meaning it's not necessarily a specific landclass package. Do you have any add-on entries in your scenery library menu above the Orbx/FTX and openLC block of entries? If so, try temporarily unchecking them to see whether that resolves the issue.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for your answers. I have since discovered that I was running into problems with a previously installed disk version of FSX that was improperly removed before installing FSX-SE. A full reinstall has solved all of my problems, and more than that, I now know that OpenLC EU was not working as it should elsewhere in Europe as well. It is an entirely new feeling flying low with OpenLC EU working as it should!

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