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Levitation problem at Redding


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I'm having a problem at Redding as the aircraft wheels don't rest on the tarmac or runways but are elevated about a foot.  Doesn't matter which aircraft I use, all are affected.  I have reinstalled Redding to no avail.  Also searched for other afcads, none.  Have the latest libraries installed.  Sim is P3D with the latest update.  Tessellation is enabled set to Ultra.  Lower settings make no difference.


Is this my setup or do others have the same experience?  Is there a solution for this problem?


Below are a couple of screenshots.  Hope you can see the problem.






Other airports seem fine.  I appreciate your assistance.


Edit:  Benton is also affected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two weeks now and no response of any kind.  I suppose I'm waiting on Jarrad.


Am I alone with this problem?  Anyone else seeing this?  it may not be readily apparent.  I got into a situation where my aircraft would not move so I looked closely.


Thank you for checking.  Sim is P3D v2.5

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G'day Jimmy,


My apologies - I must have missed your original post on the 2nd August. What you are seeing at Redding is correct - this was a trade-off during the design stage to counter some annoying issues between the ground poly and terrain. The method that is sometimes used to "harden" an airport surface (ie to stop aircraft kicking up dust) needed to be lifted very slightly to offset unexpected specular material issues at certain times of the day. My preference normally is not to use this particular method to harden airport surfaces, but for a myriad of reasons at Redding this was the better trade-off to work with. 




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Thanks Jarrad!  I understand, there are always some trade offs.  I couldn't get my aircraft to move one day and I thought I was stuck in the mud so I took a close look.  Can't remember where I was now.  Must of had my head down while taxing. Don't notice it if you stay in the cockpit. In fact I really don't look that closely any more.

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