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Gypsy Pilot

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Everything posted by Gypsy Pilot

  1. Well, as the originator of this site I can say that I wanted a site where us Old Coots could get together and just talk about almost anything within the limits set upon us by ORBX . To state flatly that there will be no political speech is for many of us like saying why don't you stop breathing. Almost everything is political speech. Doc Z's post its self is political speech because it sets a limit on speech. I feel sure that Nick or some other Administrator will quickly step in to quell any and all arguments over which opinion is right. "Mine is better than yours" has no place on this forum. Unless you are stating a scientifically proven fact, it is, and will always be, just an opinion. I am in the camp that says you can have and state your opinion, just don't argue about it. This is my opinion and I am sticking with it. BTW, we become Old Coots once we become old enough to quit caring about what others think and do it anyway just because we want to. Time for us is short and waiting for approval just doesn't cut it. As we say out here in West Texas, "Hold My Beer and Watch This". Clear skies and smooth flying to all of us. Dale
  2. Sounds like Spokane, doesn't it Rodger? Dale
  3. Don't give up Johnny, it's summertime, things will improve once the rains and cold weather come. Dale
  4. John, you are like the Energizer Bunny, you just keep going on and on and on. You give us youngsters hope. One of the things that I hate most about being 81, and there is a long list, is that everyone that I grew up with has Flown West including both of my wives. Number 1 at 42 years and number 2 at 17 years. I get much comfort from the Old Coots Club because they remind me that I am not alone on this final flight. Dale
  5. And all you can do is stand there and think, my God, I am not an idiot, what happened to him? Then you remember that you grew up before how many Followers and Likes you have and you spent your time learning about the really important things. Social Media and the Smart Phone have corrupted an entire generation by diverting their attention to the truly unimportant aspect of life. Dale
  6. I remember them all. A Thought, When the last of us are gone will these things cease to exist in the common memory only to be found in museums of ancient history? Dale
  7. I was 30 when I found myself lying on the street holding up traffic with my right foot pointed in the wrong direction. 30 days in the VA hospital, 3 years on crutches, 7 years before I could walk at a trot, and 51 years if constant pain, but damn did I ever love that bike. Dale the idiot who would not listen when his wife kept telling him to sell that #$%!@ machine. BTW, You cannot sell a motorcycle when you are on crutches.
  8. And just what do you use for your computer input device?
  9. And it's a good thing too or there would be very few of us who could still operate our keyboards.
  10. Please join me in thanking JV and ORBX for giving us our own clubhouse to play in. Dale
  11. I work up this morning and discovered that I was 150 years old. Dale
  12. It sure ain't Sniper, It sure ain't. Keep an eye on those doctors and google everything they tell you before you agree to anything, Never forget that medical mistakes are the second leading cause of death in the US I guess that is why they call it a Medical Practice. Dale
  13. Come on down. You can hang around until then. Having kids around is good for us elders. Dale
  14. I guess that we are going to have to start calling you Stoney The Senior. Dale
  15. Chevron Oil used to fly a Goose out of Lakefront Airport in New Orleans that was 1 month older than me. I know that it's true because I read the builders plate. I knew that it was old, but not that old. Dale
  16. Here is a great link to aviation history. Just change the year in the address and voila, your birth year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_in_aviation I became aviation aware and an airplane nut at age 6 so for me, so 1943 is important to me. Got my first ride at age 7 and my head has been in the clouds ever since. Dale
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