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John Burgess

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Posts posted by John Burgess

  1. Hi there,

    23 hours ago, iandavid said:

    there is no taxiway lighting at night on 09/27?


    Hi there,


    Just had a chance to look at this.


    According to the latest airport information I have (dated April 2020) there is very little taxiway lighting at Sumburgh.


    Here's the relevant section.


    Runway light(s):
    Blue edge lights on Runway 15/33 from Hold Kilo to the edge of Runway 09/27.
    Taxiway light(s):
    Holding points designated by retro-reflective illuminated signs and red
    stop lights (except Holds F, W and Z which is unlit).


    We might have it slightly wrong in that the Blue edge lights only go from hold K to rwy 15/33 at which point we have the runway edge lights of 15/33 taking you to the edge of 09/27 rather than more blue edge lights.

    Here's what I see:




    We possibly actually have some lights which shouldn't be there (blue edge lights from hold C onto rwy 15/33 and from hold J onto rwy 15/33 appear in the scenery but not in the actual airport information).


    The runways 09\27 and 15\33 have edge lights but no centreline lights - again consistent with the airport information.


    In the top screenshot is the illuminated sign marking the hold short, I suspect we might be missing the red stop lights mentioned.


    Hope somewhere in all this is an answer to your original question!


    I guess landing at the airport after dark is only advisable in an aircraft with good lights of it's own.


    Opening hours are listed as:

    Mon-Fri 0730-2015 (0630-1915); Sat 0730-1430 (0630-1330); Sun 1045-2000

    I know that so far North, in Winter, a lot of night would be included in those hours. It's bad enough where I live in the middle of Scotland!


    All the best,







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    5 hours ago, collensr said:

    The ILS for 27 appears to offset to the left


    Hi there,


    As it is in real life.


    Highlighted is the relevant comment on the approach plate. We worked quite hard to get it right!




    As for the runway\taxiway lighting I can claim no knowledge of what's actually at the airport so can't really comment I'm afraid.


    If you enjoy flying approaches it's well worth getting a source of charts. Lots are available online - I also use a payware source - SimPlatesX.


    All the best,



    answer question.jpg

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  3. Hi Julio,


    When testing I found that the Moire effects were very dependent on Anti-Aliasing settings. Using 4 or 8x SSAA seemed best. Using MSAA did cause me some more obvious Moire effects on the building you mentioned.


    There is no 3d grass in the scenery and I'll have to leave it for Finn to comment on the runway edge - not knowing the airport IRL.


    The dark object is a strange one. With the final test version I'm seeing this, which is how it should look..


    With the version which was actually released I see what you see.



    The two versions appear identical but I suspect one of the texture files (fjellside.dds) is responsible. I'll pass this on.


    All the best,




    All the best,



  4. Hi Darren,


    This is an issue which some people had and some didn't.

    Seemed to be to do with the ordering of the content.xml file.


    Simplest solution is to move the folder containing the default airport (asobo-airport-yssy-sydney) out of the Official\OneStore folder to somewhere else (I just created a folder called Official Moved and put it there).


    All the best,



  5. 29 minutes ago, Ben F. said:

    Thanks for checking, any other ideas?


    Hi Ben,


    I'm forgetting what we've already found :rolleyes:


    I think you need to re-enable the file ADE_FTX_FL_KMIA_CVX.bgl in the TE Florida scenery. Hopefully that will solve the problem.


    A few folks contributed ideas to getting various addons working with TE Florida. The thread got a bit confused but contains some useful hints if you are trying to get anything else working.



    All the best,



  6. 3 hours ago, RayProudfoot said:

    Did you try taxiing around the airport?


    Hi Ray,


    No I didn't, just took my favourite helicopter for a flight round! Went back and taxied from one end to the other (in the default cessna) half at day, half at night then took off runway 30 (DL enabled). Had frame rates 30 to 40 with little or no stutters. Neither CPU nor GPU seemed over exerted.




    Doubt there's any more I can do to help I'm afraid.


    All the best,





  7. Hi Ray,


    Just had a quick fly around LEBB but I'm afraid I don't see the dramatic change you are seeing when using dynamic lighting.

    Frame rates are 20 to 30 - seem a bit lower when using DL but nothing dramatic.

    GPU usage is around 50 to 60% with little apparent change when using DL. I am, however, running at a much lower resolution - 1920 x 1080 - on a much smaller monitor so maybe that could be part of the reason for the difference in what we are seeing.


    Sorry I can't be of more help,


    All the best,





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    On 7/5/2020 at 12:03 AM, Andy Dunn said:

    Random mini roundabout arrow on apron.


    I remember, when I was young, (a while back) just before the 6 o'clock news a wonderful thing on TV (yes, we did have it in those days!) called the Magic Roundabout - anyone else remember that :)

    Just reminded me of days gone past.

    Real reason for posting is to be Nosey. Andy, I get the feel that this airport is of particular importance. Your local one?


    All the best,



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