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Posts posted by andiflyit

  1. 17 hours ago, adambar said:

    Beautiful shots Andreas. 

    Thanks a lot Adam! 


    14 hours ago, wain71 said:

    Nice work Andreas..

    And thank you Wayne, glad you like it.


    8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Grand set of shots. 



    Thank you very much Iain.

  2. Hi all,


    received some pictures from my daughter at vacation in Mallorca. So I did some shots for her in the sim. 

    And than I thougt I can also post it here...🙂

    Scenery is of course Orbx TE Balearic Islands for XP11.








    Thank you very much for viewing!





    • Like 2
  3. Hi all,


    yesterday I did a flight in MSFS from CYVR to KSEA just to try the Citation CJ4 because it's updated now.

    All worked well and near KSEA the sim suddenly crashed. Closed without touching anything within a second.

    And no popup or any message what happened.


    Have any of you experienced this?




  4. Hi all,


    now I did a flight at La Palma in XP12 just to compare  XP11 and XP12. Some shots here for those who are interested.

    Overall it's better and more impressive but in some details it doesn't work 100%.


    So far I have no working lua script or similar to adjust anything. There is a new version of FlywithLua for XP12 but I cannot find scripts.






    The glittering apron there is nice but of course not realistic. Seems to be a detail issue because the scenery is not updated for XP12.

    Maybe it's water but there is no rain set in the weather and no water outside.







    The ground- and autogentextures here look worse than in XP11.




    And these reflections on the trees caused by the heavy sunlight are of course not what we want.


    Thank you very much for viewing!





    • Like 3
  5. 16 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

    You will also require to have the XP11 OrbxLibs as well as the XP12 Orbxlibs in your XP12 Custom Scenery folder


    So indeed it works now, thank you very much again! 🙂 I could have come up with it myself, oh oh. So the XP12 Orbxlibs only have the objects which are needed

    for the stuff which can be installed to XP12 by OrbxCentral. 

    But now I can see that there are indeed some issues with reflections on trees and so caused by the heavy sunlight.

    This is easy to see if sitting on the ground at KORS for example. 




  6. 23 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great set of shots these Andreas. 



    Thank you very much Iain!


    22 hours ago, wain71 said:

    nice set there Andreas..

    Thank you Wayne, it's a nice scenery there for the Canary Islands. Probably it will be a long time using both XP11 and XP12 for me.


    19 hours ago, John Mac said:

    Great stuff Andreas, enjoyed those shots!


    Thank you John, glad you like it!

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

    You will also require to have the XP11 OrbxLibs as well as the XP12 Orbxlibs in your XP12 Custom Scenery folder

    Oh didn't expect that, thought that the XP12 Orbxlibs is a fully functional substitute for the XP11 version. 

    I'll try that, can be the reason. Thank you Jon. 

  8. 4 hours ago, wain71 said:

    on my system I only have XP12 installed, but I have all my airports and TE areas installed, are you saying none work or some in particular? 

    It's all TE scenery for the US and some of the airports and the entire TE sceneries work and none of the airports. But I just found that I have 

    a  Orbx_iBY_Library in XP11 but not in XP12. I installed the Orbx Libs to Xp12 using OrbxCentral but the other lib is not there.

    I'll try a link to that one next. Because the announcement when the scenery is not loaded is similar to what you get if you install 

    a freeware addon airport and some libs are missing. 

  9. On 2/21/2023 at 6:56 AM, Angelo Avenoso said:

    Great screenshots! Our Discord server is also a great place to interact with other like-minded members of the community. We have created a few channels for showing off your great screenshots. Definitely feel free to also post some on there as well if you ever get a chance!


    Happy Simming ✈️

    Thank you Angelo, so what is the Orbx Discord Server? Tell me more please. And you didn't post a link....


    On 2/21/2023 at 4:36 PM, wain71 said:

    superb variation of shots Andreas...

    Thanks a lot Wayne!

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