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Posts posted by pilot100

  1. Think about it, do you need two encyclopedia's , one on the shelf and another next to your bed , or do you just have one and go and get it when you need it. It's the same for linker / Orbx Lib, just one copy where you know it is (as in where MSFS knows where it is) and it goes and gets it when it needs it. Two copies are likely to confuse.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Nick,


    Yes, I saw that before I posted this question. As far as I can see the credits are essentially an 'in game' currency so that, I assume, they can handle multiple  real world currencies without showing exchange rates. In fact credits are just a translation of your local money to the in game purchase money (credits). I'm sure there is a good reason for this but it seems awfully convoluted to me.



  3. anyone got any idea what these are, I noticed that they show up on the email after a store purchase but I can't understand what they are. I have looked around the MSFS site and some other Sim sites but it seems no one really has any clear idea what they are or what they are for. 




  4. Or if you are flexible try downsizing to the FREE WBSim/JPLogistics Cessna 152 Enhancement Mod which is a really good 152 implementation with true charateristics.


    Plus the price is pretty good too....:)

  5. I noticed that since Update 12 and the turbulence setting that now can be set from low to realistic that WPP now makes the tubulence so bad that piloting is impossible. I know the settings can be adjusted ( and I have now started editing slme of them) but essentialy anything over the tubulence low setting makes many of the wpp settings really unflyable. 


    Anyone got any comments or suggestions (helpful one only please).



  6. BTW, with Linker and MSFS on the same drive, you do not have to use linker at all BUT it is handy because if you have any issues (and you never have them do you:rolleyes:) you can turn off the add ons in linker without any problem. Plus as you already have them installed there it is  really easy way to reinstall them.  Do not reinstall items to BOTH linker and the community folder of course. If you have Orbx stuff you can either install to the separate library or the default, in your case I'd go with the default.


    Let me know if you have any other questions, good luck and hope the dogs are all well.



    • Like 1
  7. Hi Don, 


    With Linker you will have to point it to the new Community folder, got to the top left cog icon and when you see the location of the community folder change it to the new one. Then do a update (the round arrows icon) and you should see the shortcut icons in the community folder showing the stuff you have in linker.



    • Like 1
  8. Its a bit hard to understand where you are at present as I am not sitting in front of your system.  Frankly I'd follow the Zendesk stuff - thats the MSFS support desk. The base link to that is https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001769531-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator.


    I think that you still have the nsfs app installed - check the links I gave you above and see if the MSFS and community folders are there and what size they are. Then try the stuff zendesk suggests.  Do it one step at a time.  If you are getting to the basic start up page and then things stop that zendesk steps should get you going again.

    • Like 1
  9. Hi Don,


    These are the default installation paths - check and see if there is anything there , Also check the steam path just in case, you once had steam I remember but it should be gone now.

    Microsoft Store|Game Pass version:
    Steam version:
    AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

    Finally:- If you have a similar issue in future (heaven forbid !!!) https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886545938-How-to-restore-the-sim-to-its-vanilla-state-to-get-back-in-game, this is the official MSFS action page for this kind of problem. 




    Oh and BTW Gumby, no update should affect P3D (or indeed MSFS) so you should be right.

  10. Hi Don,


    Bit pushed for time this morning, but, to be honest I'd check what size is the C: Drive and see if there is a community folder and a MSFS foler still there. If so I'd be tempted to delete them ( maybe after what I suggest next) and re install msfs on you D: Drive. Maybe better to bite the bullet now rather than stuffing about and getting nowhere. I think the re-install of Win10 basically blew away your remaining chance of restoring MSFS as it was. 



    • Like 1
  11. See this it might help 






    Also  and alternative might be Click on START > SETTINGS > RECOVERY > RESET THIS PC. Go thru the steps to reinstall all the drivers and components while keeping all your information. This takes about an hour but then you can run MSFS and you don’t have to do a bunch on reconfiguring.


    No guarantees though

    • Like 1
  12. Yep, thats interesting. Everyone has their view on W10 / W11. For myself I'm non partisan on that issue. They are just slightly different OS doing the same thing (for my purposes at least). The VBS issue is interesting because in some cases they are turning it back on (W11) but maybe they figure that W10 is not their focus now so they are not so bothered (and hey if people run into trouble because it was turned off in W10 thats a bonus for them in promoting W11, buts that me being cynical). 


    Eitherway it would not put me off going W11 on a new PC. Personally I think MS have made a barrier with W11 based on processors and TPM etc that is the main reason people are staying with W10. 

  13. 3rd Para down 


    Walton further observes that Tom’s Editor-in-Chief, Avram Piltch, runs Windows 10 Home and hadn’t touched VBS since clean installing the OS last summer – but VBS was switched on with that system, too. Again, we can guess this happened via an update at some point (though note, we don’t know this for sure).

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