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Posts posted by BradB

  1. TE is the way to go IMHO , I would never go back to Regional scenery . 
    Interesting you enjoy CityScape Charleston  , I was very disappointed 

    in the product  ; for me the best CityScape is Honolulu . 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    OF, I just uninstalled and then installed the Client.  So far Ultimate Traffic, GTN, and A2A’s 182 seem ok.  Orbx look great.  BUT, why can’t I see frame rates, Pat/long, etc when using Shift+Z?  Thanks 

    You have to do it a couple of times to get to the Frame Rate screen Jack .

    • Confused 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    Seeing those cool shots of the Casino John just remind me of Airwolf of the Season Two episode "Sins of the Past" when Dom was suspected of murdering hisd ex-wife.   Great shots!  :) Cool episode filmed on Catalina.  :) 

    Going way back in time with that show mate ..........B):D

  4. 15 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

    A question for other adopters.  I very much like the performance of the v5.2, but in TERRAIN LOADING,  my sim starting sessions sits at 5 % for almost 8 minutes, and then slowly, very slowly climbs to 100 percent and then the airport.  All the time, the busy light of my computer is ranking on.  Has anybody else experienced a much longer load in time, before dumping to the chosen airport and/or scenery?  That's my only 'critique' so far.

    Yep , 8-9 minutes for me also ; where my MSFS loads in 90 seconds . :(:D

    • Like 3
  5. 9 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    That's nice John but I have so many other real-world things to do such writing, comics, woodworking, and my diabetic wife.  I loved making simulated flights but I find there's more to life than sitting in front of my monitor all day.  No offense.

    None takin Jack , my acre of property takes alot of my time and with my back being so bad ; I have to pace myself outdoors . My sim time is usually in the evening ; plus I can't watch politics anymore given what is happening to our country . >:(:(

    • Like 3
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  6. 2 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Dude, you seem quite enthused.

    I have to say that having three great working sims back again on my HD is call for some enthusiasm for me , at least it get's me out of bed in the morning .......


    • Like 4
  7. 8 minutes ago, Orbx Flyer said:

    Few more personal comments;



    Well, I only realize now, in all these years of flight simming and buying and using Orbx titles/products,  that up and until P3D v5.2 was released, I had never actually 'gotten my money's worth'.  Nope.   I have been using P3D v5.2 exclusively since it was released, and simply am stunned at to what performance it is rendering under my long-in-the-tooth,  computer system.  I only realize now, over the last couple of days, that since the very first RTM of FSX,  and until P3D v5.2, I have always had some graphic deterioration, blurriness,  ill-formed graphic elements....that one over those so many different released, just thought..."Well, this is what it is....".


    Not any more!  I find, that locked away all those past years, was absolutely GREAT graphics work and artistry coming from the Orbx camp, but I never, never got to see it, clear, fully formed, and staying that way over the course of hours of flight path.  


    P3D v5.2 seems to me, to truly be qualified to being called v6.0.  So many great rendering advancements,  like the water, at High or Ultra, simply now stunning in color, depth, animation, clarity, and the special effects have been dramatically improved, so much so, you only have to view the wakes (three layers of them, and combining to a totally true world effect of a large ship passing and cutting through the water. Now, simply stunning to view!  I feel , there were so many refinements and improvements to P3D, that that is why it took so long to release.  You only have to RUN IT, to see how much prior video degradation of previous sims and versions, was left in P3D's v5.2's 'wake'.


    Orbx Global, Vector, and openLC Land Class products together,  and when CLEAR...and WELL FORMED, is truly a pleasure to fly over. So much so, that I am going to just let MSFS mature for a year.  It's no longer the 'only game in town'.  Not now...   The nVidia WaterWorks, blows away any of the other sim's rendering's in color, depth, animation, and now wake and special effects.  I would say now...with so enjoying P3D v5.2, that MSFS is not the DEFACTO 'latest' and greatest.  Personal opinion of course...but to be able to sit slacked jaw, and my head moving back and forth in disbelief at the graphitic quality output, from only seeing a 'step' release of P3D....is simply a pleasure to be responding in that manner.


    The fixes, and new features, reads like a novel...lol!   Whatever you fly, enjoy...but if you had liked P3D, for any past feature...you owe it to yourself, to update, or to even reinstall P3D,  and see just what I am raving about!  Orbx...simply has never looked so good, and the sad part...the very sad part, is that IT HAS ALWAYS LOOKED GOOD FROM THE START, but VRAM system management in all prior sims,  never allowed it to shine....  P3D v5.2 never now goes over 3.0 GB's out of 7.1 available to DX12.  In v5.1 and lower, it would climb to as high in the same settings I like, to 5.5 or 6 GB!   Now...clear graphics...clear everything...and the entire session fits into 3.0 GB VRAM (DX12).



    I am in the process of installing my addon's for 5.2 , is this the water feature you mention ? :






    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

    All excellent images John.

    I like the seventh one looking down the quay.

    Thanks Martyn .

    15 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great set these John.



    Thanks Iain .

    11 hours ago, adambar said:

    Fantastic views from Catalina John. :)

    Thanks Adam .

    8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

    Excellent shots John!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks John .

    4 hours ago, ken2410 said:

    Stunning shots

    Thanks Ken .

    2 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

    Rippers, the apartments shots are excellent , the fisherman’s wharf shot is my favourite, thanks for sharing 

    Thanks Ken .

    2 hours ago, John Mac said:

    Beautiful John, just beautiful!


    Thanks John .

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