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Posts posted by BradB

  1. With this update make sure your Community folder is empty Graeme . Move everything thing out into a new folder on your 

    HD . Then go to MS store first for its update on the Sim , after that launch the Sim and get the core update . And finally go 

    into your Content manager and install any and all new updates . Be very careful about what you do put back in your 

    Community folder . Lots of issues now with all the mods and freeware scenery .




  2. 2 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

    I did the download (MS store) yesterday, took four hours without a hitch, then another hour updating the various files. Can't say I'm super impressed with the changes. Today I did a quick flight and all the popups (notifications I guess) really bugged me. Right now, there is a lot about MSFS I don't like, the scenery is great, sure, but some of the operating procedures......P3D was a lot more straight forward and easier. I guess the more I use it, I might get to like it better. I just hate the illuminated "tool tips", just hope I can a way to eliminate them.



    Don you can manage the pop ups in your Options . I have all of these notifications turned off . 

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  3. 1 hour ago, David Woodford said:

    I managed to get maybe 50% of my community folder back before it tanked. Now trying to retrace and find the dodgy add-on. So far added a’s and b’s in the list and the Just Flight planes and it works.


    Guess this is going to take some time. Not good.

    When examining my Community folder I could see the reason why the Sim was not loading . Lots of old outdated sceneries from many months ago . So I look at this as a positive and will keep my Community folder nice and tidy going forward . 

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

    I took Community Folder out of the Sim.

    Scenario loading MSFS & its updates from hitting 'Fly' to getting to the departure airport took about a minute. (SLoad)

    Then I added all my Orbx airports & mesh back into Community.

    The SL became 1.5 minutes.

    I added PMDG DC-6 to Community & the SL went to 2.5 minutes, which isn't too bad.

    The Sim is running cleanly with about a 20% gain in FPS. No CTD.

    I suggest you look at pulling Community aside, then add back a few files at a time until you hit a snag.


    Exactly what I had to do , no fly with community folder full . Empty and the Sim performs great . 

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  5. Okay , first flight done ;  with Mods in my community folder , no flights will load . Just get the Blue bar stuck at the end (Right) and my selected airport will not load . Emptied my Community folder and my first flight from my home airport (Priest River Muni) loaded just fine . I have my FPS locked at 30 with VSync on and it was solid 30 FPS my whole trip down the Pend Oreille River to my house and landed the stock 172 with floats right up in front of our place . The water spray was amazing and water masking looks improved along with the tree LOD also . I guess I will see what mods work and what one's won't in the Community folder .




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  6. 3 hours ago, paulk said:

    When I started MSFS after the 45GB update I had a blue circle notifying me of one notification ref Content Manager and when I checked it said I needed to do 39 updates within it AI selected all and the 24.22GB is progressing. Started at 1630 yesterday still not had a go on sim yet

    It seems with this Sim update there were many updates in different spots . First was the MS store update , followed by the Core update then several

    updates in my Content section . It took me over a hour to update my Content to the way I wanted it . My total game space used is 42 GB .

  7. 13 minutes ago, EasternT3 said:

    Same, just spend 2 hours just trying to get the download to start :( 

    I saw on the MS forum , one guy got his DL to start by launching the game from the MS store ; well

    it worked for me too . Hopefully I can fly the new Sim later today . 

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