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Posts posted by W2DR

  1. On 3/26/2024 at 3:08 AM, wain71 said:

    Doug I hope you are now on the mend...

    Thanks Wayne. I'm getting better slowly. I'm able to get around now without the walker but I can't walk too far because of fatigue. The head injury (brain bleed) has absorbed so no surgery was needed. I'm still a bit light-headed but I'm hopeful that that, too, will keep getting better. As they say, "Stuff Happens". It could have been worse. I'm 81 years old and, thank God, there was no damage to my hips. And life goes on..........Doug

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  2. Five months ago I had a major fall while on a Carribean cruise. I turned into a jumble of fractured/displaced bones. Sternum, right scapula, and 14 ribs. The ships medical couldn't handle it so I was put ashore in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I spent 6 days there in ICU and then it was decided that I was OK to travel home. They arranged for an air ambulance and I flew back to Orlando, Florida (a distance of 1009 miles). Once there I spent another three weeks in hospital. But enough of that.

    The point I want to make is to be sure that you have travel insurance and be sure it will cover the expenses of getting you home. In my case I was able to get home for the low, low price of USD$27,000. And, thank goodness, it was all covered by my insurance. (I can't even imagine the cost if was in Australia). I hope none of you ever have to go through something similar but I thought I'd post this just as a for-what-it's-worth...........Doug

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  3. On 3/1/2024 at 8:15 PM, gumbypickett said:

    Nothing is worth dumping out your beers.

    How true.....

    Many of us have heard of the so-called "beer goggle" effect. It's the phenomenon that occurs when someone's had a few alcoholic drinks and suddenly, all of those people who looked semi-attractive on entering the bar look really, really appealing. Scientists have shown that it's not just a lowering of standards -- alcohol actually stimulates the part of the brain that judges facial attractiveness.

    The "Beer Goggles" Effect

    In 2002, researchers at St. Andrews University and Glasgow University in Scotland took 80 college students and had half of them drink a "moderate" amount of alcohol -- between one and four servings, depending on gender and body weight. The other half, the control group, remained sober. Scientists showed each subject pictures of people of the opposite sex. In all cases -- male and female alike -- the experimental (tipsy) group rated each picture an average of 25 percent more attractive than the sober group did.

    The effect can reportedly be traced to the nucleus accumbens. When you're looking at another human being, the nucleus accumbens is the area of the brain that decides how attractive that human being's face is. If you look at, say, George Clooney or Angelina Jolie, this area of your brain probably experiences increased neural firing. In other words, it's stimulated. As it turns out, alcohol, all by itself, stimulates the nucleus accumbens. So when you've have a few drinks, and you look at a face you may have judged as unattractive when you were sober, your brain, under the influence of alcohol, tells you that this face is in fact somewhat attractive. And the increase in perceived attractive seems to be directly proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed.

    In a more recent study, this one conducted by researchers at England's Manchester University in 2005, scientists actually came up with a mathematical formula to calculate the extent of the "beer goggle" effect on a given individual in a given situation. Their reasoning for creating this formula is that alcohol is not really the only factor affecting the drunken perception of beauty. Other factors, according to their research, include:

    How brightly lit the area is
    The observer's eye-sight quality
    The amount of smoke in the air
    The distance of the observer from the observed
    The formula goes like this:

           g=      -----------
                   L x (Vo)2


    An is the number of servings of alcohol
    S is the smokiness of the area on a scale of 0 - 10
    L is the lighting level of the area, measured in candelas per square meter, in which 150 is normal room lightning
    Vo is Snellen visual acuity, in which 6/6 is normal and 6/12 is the lower limit at which someone is able to drive
    d is the distance between the observer and the observed, measured in meters

    The formula works out a "beer goggle" score ranging from 1 to 100+. When g = 1, the observer is perceiving the same degree of beauty he or she would perceive in a sober state. At 100+, everybody in the room is a perfect 10.



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  4. I cluond't bilevee taht I cluod autclaly unednsrtad waht I was rdaenig. Unisg the ilrcndeibe pewor of the hamun biarn, aoccdring to reserach at Cbmairdge Utvinresiy, it dseo'nt mttaer in waht oedrr the ltteres in a wrod aer, the olny iopmtrant tnihg is taht the fsrit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pcale. The rset can be a tatol, mses and you can raed it whtiuot a pborelm. Tihs is bacesue the hamun mnid deos not raed erevy ltteer by iesltf, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azamnig, hhu? Yaeh and I aawlys tuohhgt slepilng was iopmtrant!

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  5. I thought I'd repost this for all the new "Seniors" on the forum. And for all the other "Senior" folks who may not have seen it.


    Older Than Dirt Quiz :

    Count all the ones that you actually remember, not the ones you were told about. Ratings at the bottom.

    1. Black Jack chewing gum
    2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water 
    3. Candy cigarettes
    4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles
    5. Coffee shops or diners with table-side jukeboxes 
    6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
    7. Party lines on the telephone
    8. Newsreels before the movie
    9. P.F. Flyers
    10. Butch wax   (that was our hair product)
    11. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there until TV shows started again in the morning.
    12. Peashooters
    13. Howdy Doody
    14. 45 RPM records
    15. S&H green stamps
    16. Hi-fi's
    17. Metal ice trays with a lever
    18. Mimeograph paper
    19. Blue flashbulb
    20. Packards
    21. Roller skate keys
    22. Cork popguns 
    23. Drive-in movies
    24. Studebakers
    25. Wash tub wringers

    If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young.
    If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older.                                                                                   
    If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age.
    If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!

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