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Everything posted by Gorum79

  1. @rhalunen I just disabled Orbx NoCal scenery and add freeware KSFO+city (made by MisterX6). And it actually allows to get "soft" GG (permits to perform the flight under it) with right AI traffic on the bridge at the same time! Oakland bridge also does. @Jon Clarke Could Orbx team will add this in future? I vote for this! I'm very happy to have NoCal from Orbx and it's detailed just amazing - please don't get me wrong. I'm happy to have ALL products made by Orbx and use it almost every day. I just give you the feedback of what is definitely should be considered on my opinion, PS Alcatraz is also better detailed there and it's also what I'd like to see in future Orbx updates if possible BR George
  2. Hi Roger, Many thanks for your repies! I'll try to temporary disable NoCal and try GG bridge to investigate and compare, Requesting the "changelog" I didn't mean "how my system was changed" in Orbx Central, but asking to compare what are the scenery changes and what was improved in comparison to last NoCal scenery, I haven't found it. And also asked there about the plans for this map. In all respect to your comments and help Roger I would also hear Orbx designers reply because the last 2 questions are mainly addressed to them, I guess this forum is planned for this purpose, BR George
  3. Roger, It some strange that the GG bridge design doesn't allow to use the traffic. Freeware like "KSFO San Francisco International Airport and City" does, are you sure? Anyway please tell me where can I see the changelog for NoCal and roadmap to know what is in progress? BR George
  4. Roger, Well it's very good that work is going in a right direction and I agree that it's unnecessary to speed up Orbx team doing improvements step-by-step and I believe it's a hard work, but my duty as user of Orbx is to show where the places that need to be improved do you agree? And to respect to these places (quite famous I guess) here are where I see the future improvements and I must say about it, otherwise when only positive feedback is given what is development then? Bridge is great now and I see the difference with last version, thanks Orbx, But my question #2 does this version of Golden Gate including traffic or should I wait and keep the faith? BR George
  5. I think it's worse than before( And car traffic is still missed on Golden Gate, I've updated it, maybe I should reinstall NoCal? BR George
  6. Hi Roger, many thanks for keeping me informed, it's so appreciated. And thanks a lot to Orbx team for this work, BR George
  7. Hi Roger, Thanks for your comments and fast reply! Look forward to Orbx improvenents and updates, BR George
  8. Hi Roger, It's nice to hear that these problem appeared not only on my side. My questions reading all these post are: 1. How soon (approximately) Orbx can solve all of these issues? 2. How can I get the update when it's done? Should I recheck my installed files or reinstall the module NC? BR George
  9. X-Plane 11. Just purchased 1. Gloden gates brigde has no car traffic? 2. Alcatraz helipad is half in water (please see the screenshot #1). Some missions start with helipoter falling on side so I can not take off at all. 3. Other buildings are it seems not correctly installed (screenshot #2) How can I solve it?
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