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amentiba last won the day on May 3 2015

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About amentiba

  • Birthday 01/25/1975

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    Paris - France

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  1. Yes it s a very good news What a stunning shot !
  2. Don't really know why, but as far as i remember, i've always been attracted by Alice Springs's environment. There's something amazing to me in its relief. This is why this flight begins from YBAS (WU7 version) full size with a clic on the link below each picture https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/3169/oQbsls.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/7001/mLCPKq.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/6180/fGOksF.jpg Yes, i'm doing a touristic tour around Uluru and Kata Tjuta, it's not like there were an emergency... Oh wait ! https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/8861/kbpHfV.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/3083/7vLOE7.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/5379/VwBXZb.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/3097/jJRmse.jpg
  3. Many thanks Ed for this clarification. The subject is closed.
  4. Hi Ed, many thanks for your answer. so it means we're limited to some specific places, while the whole Aussie have been reworked for a big part by Orbx ? Should this specific subject be discussed by Orbx team ? Please understand that it's hard to imagine the entire land-continent walled of only some airports and cityscapes for MSFS 2020, when FSX/P3D users can post any Australia's places with FTX AU Australia scenery, particulary when you've been FTX AU Australia owner for the old simulators. Is it fair for MSFS2020 users that they can't post what fsx/p3d users can ? I perfectly understand what my question involves in commercial terms for Orbx. It would mean that lots of MSFS 2020 users can post screens on this forum without buying any Orbx products, and this isn' t what i want. I've followed John's work since VOZ Australia (FS9), i'm here since a long time now and i'm a FTX proud and regular customer since the first hours. Understand that i'm not against the forum's rules. But isn't there a true reason to adapt the rules for MSFS 2020 WU7 ? Can't we find a solution ? For example, same as the first hours for FSX's FTX sceneries, introducing in our signature the proof that we've owned one or some Orbx MSFS 2020 Australian products ? It's a bit frustrating to fly over this country and not be allowed to show Orbx team's work otherwise than 16 airports and 3 cityscapes, and forgot the whole country. It means, if you don't get YAYE scenery, you can't post screens about ULURU on the forum, that is an essential touristic place in Australia. Not allowed to post an Uluru screen that has been reworked by Orbx because it can't be bought in Orbx Central ? Im' sorry to tell it, but i'm a bit hurt 'cause it's not logical. Same with the twelves Apostles or the great coral barrier reef, even if i get the whole sceneries that Orbx will published in the future, some Australian places won't match with the forum rules and no MSFS2020 user will be allowed to post screens about thoses places, because they won't be a part of an Orbx product. What about the 94 POIs custom crafted by Orbx ? What about the 4 handcrafed airports by Orbx included in WU7 ? What about the bush trips, the photogramtry cities...etc... ? Why Orbx has created all thoses places in a partnership with Microsoft and Asobo if i can't post it as pictures on Orbx forum ? It means too that every topics i've seen in the screenshots section that are showing all this work (without a scenery bought on Central) are actually out of compliance with Orbx forum's rules... Do you see the ambiguity ? Nothing in this capture bellow can be shown in the screenshots section by MSFS 2020 users, because they are parts of WU7 and not Orbx specifics products, when you follow Orbx forum's rules. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/01/31/microsoft-flight-simulator-introduces-world-update-australia/ In my mind, it looks like a nonsense. I'm not here to create a revolution, i perfectly understand Orbx's mind and commercial objectives with the screenshots forum section rules. I'm ok with this. But MSFS 2020 has changed some rules with the world updates. Perhaps it's now time to give an evolution to the rules that can satisfy either Orbx than MSFS2020 users who are also Orbx customers. I think Orbx team should take this specific point and talk about it, but, whatever the decision, i will, as always, follow the forum's rules at the end. Best regards.
  5. Hi team, no screenshots but a question : what does it mean for the MSFS World update 7 ? As the area has been for a large part made with the help of Orbx, are we allowed to post screenshots of our Australian flies ? What about the monthly screenshots contest ? Can i post some pictures from (as an example) Alice Spings Area, even if there actually no sceneries for MSFS 2020 realised by Orbx ? (i do not include FSX/P3D sceneries, because the scenery exists for thoses simulators)
  6. Hey Brad, happy to read you again here. The last 3 years were not too much fun for me, as my mother passed away early 2019, and i haven't touch my computer for a year. Not the heart to play... Job and life don't give me actually lots of free times to fly, so i think, with regrets, i won't come as often as i used too. But it's good to be back, even if it will be from time to time Many thanks everybody for your kind coments
  7. "Honey, i perfectly know you're on the taxiway to take off, but i must inform you that i forgot to put a vomit bag in your wallet"
  8. With Orbx Paris Cityscape (clik link to get the fullsize picture) https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/9946/wPgc42.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/822/FfdWQy.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/7636/cdnuQt.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/4066/9phoI2.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/3638/eW2rgJ.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/9965/Hc6KVw.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/1629/fZN6SM.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/2024/VhszDO.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/3913/LiCtrD.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/5445/JvrYoZ.jpg
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