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YBCS Bug Report


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G'day Redfred,


Thanks very much for the report. The two areas you are reporting from are just outside the coverage area of our Cairns Airport scenery, so it sounds like you might be experiencing a couple of the limitations of our region products. The flying houses will be one of two conditions - if part of the house is connected to the terrain (and one half/corner floating in mid-air), this is a limitation of the autogen system interacting with steep terrain (eg Yorkeys Knob), however if the entire house is floating above the terrain, whilst again this is a known bug in FSX, it can be fixed by refreshing your scenery library. Your second issue near White Rock is likely to again be a limitation of the landclass system, however if you're not sure, post us a screenshot (instructions can be found here) and we can verify it for you. 


Lastly, if you're interested, the coverage area for Cairns Airport extends roughly to the intersection of Varley St and Wattle St near Yorkey's Knob, and the intersection of Mulgrave Rd and Bruce Hwy in the south. 




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