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P3D Terrain overlay Issue

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Hi. My order number / date


Order Number: FSS0387859
Order Date: 2015-05-31



There seems to be a problem with the terrain with Open LC. This image was taken over London. Why are there corn fields where a completely different texture should be? Is this normal? I am also not getting autogen popping up across huge areas of texture tiles - The scenery is as flat as photo VFR! I have reinstalled Windows 2 times and P3D ORBX on my SSD, and still I get the same problem.


I know this is an issue with Open LC because I don't get this issue flying where only Global base is installed i.e. USA.









I have installed these ORBX scenery files.



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  • 2 weeks later...



A few questions-


Can you provide the location of the first screenshot?

Did you install the latest Orbxlibs last of all?

Did you set any insertion point in FTX Central 2?

Should the Aerosoft entries perhaps be higher than the OpenLC ones?


It might also help to state your system specs, in case that's a factor.

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Before calling garbage  a product satisfactorily running with thousands of users (including me) and doing childish threats, you should careful to be sure that you're not the one making some doodoo :lol: !


I don't see the OrbXlibs where it should be, in the #1 slot. Actually I don't see it at all in your listing.


Then any European airport should be higher than OpenLC in this list.


Do that and come back.


PS You seem to have a case of blurries too in case you didn't notice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had as similar issue with blue tiles in Greece until I realised that I hadn't selected Europe on FTX Central 2 before starting P3D. When I did things properly, everything worked properly too. Surpise, surprise.

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Hi 757 Fanatic,


Deep breath, I don't believe that anyone here would not want you to have the perfect outcome to your query and renew your faith in your purchase decision, like many of the already very happy users of Orbx products I do hope your issue is resolved using the great advice provided by other users here and within the Orbx Support forums and various FAQ's / PDF setup documents.  

Please be patient and follow the instructions as often these issues are setup related or something has not been installed properly or at all, as would seem to be the case, where it appears to be installed in your "Installed Products List 150331" but has not been entered into the "Scenery Library" by the installation process. 


Try this first: Check for folder "FTXAA_ORBXLIBS" and that it contains sub folder's Scenery 173 files and Texture 1,346 files containing similar file count  (this is the file count in my FSX setup,  P3D may have more or less the same QTY)


Start P3D - Scenery library "Add Area" FTXAA_ORBXLIBS  to library manually, Navigate to  \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS and add this to the library, close with OK, close P3D, Start FTXCentral and go to Settings > Trouble shooting > "RESYNC ORBX PRODUCTS"  Library insertion tool will have the library listed within the "gold type "FTX" position as a general FTX product listing in set order. Click On FTXGlobal then click on the "Apply Group" button to cycle and rebuild the P3D Scenery library upon P3D restart .The FTXAA_ORBXLIBS entry will and should appear in P3D library in the correct position upon re-start as the first entry in the "Scenery Library" List.


As mentioned by other users you should have installed the Latest Orbx Libraries, currently v150331 which will also install  FTXCentralv2 and offer you the unified Objectflow.dll (which you should say yes too when dialog appears on P3D restart) you should do these steps first, checking also in FTXCentral that you have updated the service packs/patches for your products. As a strict rule Orbx libraries and FTXCentral are essential components to a proper installation and pleasing outcome, Orbx Libraries should also be installed last, or again if FTXCentral has discovered new Service Pack Updates and you have chosen to or should install them.


Orbx Libraries Available Here: https://www.fullterrain.com/support Choose the Libraries for P3D, extract .zip to a folder you create and right click the installer .exe choose "Run As Administrator"


When choosing which FTXCentral configuration will suit best, FTXGlobal  / FTXGlobal+Hybrid  / or a Full region of you purchase one, you should have a read of this guide : http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/91868-version-2-of-the-ftx-definitive-guide-is-now-available/


When you have installed the Orbx Libraries, you will see an entry for them in your Scenery Library list. As follows ( FTXAA_ORBXLIBS ) these will be placed by FTXCentral in the appropriate location in the list, in your case it will appear just above ( ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE1 ) between entries 13, 14, 15, once you have moved them to the top 1, 2, 3, positions. (See next)


It also makes good sense to shift entries 13, 14 & 15 in the same order to the  1, 2, 3, positions at the top of the list. If you find these entries have made their way back down the list, then I suggest you use the Scenery Library insertion Points Tool in FTXCentral to set their positions permanently at the top.


To reduce the possibility of blurry ground scenery you should set Anisotropic Filtering and raise your Anisotropic filtering to x16 and try raising the LOD_radius in your P3D.cfg to something like 6.500000 if your PC has adequate hardware. Try Reducing your Autogen levels to enable you some headroom when setting higher than stock LOD Radius with minimal effect on autogen display within the scenery set higher if your hardware can cope.  There is a special tweek to the P3D.cfg to increase Autogen amounts, as P3D displays Autogen levels differently than FSX beyond the Extremely Dense slider setting. Team member John Dow or Rob Newman  put together a description of this entry, I can't exactly remember what it was called at the moment, but for now lets see how you go with the Orbx libraries and Anisotropic filtering  @ x16 .

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