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Multiple issues with ORBX products

Rusty Gunz

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First things first:  Order # - FSS0387248


I just purchased FTX: Global BASE, FTX: Global VECTOR and FTX Global openLC Europe (on sale, luckily, but still over $100 USD) and am having several problems with the finished installation.


I know details are important so I will list as much information as I can remember.


I downloaded and installed the Free FTX Region Demo for the Olympic Peninsula which included KHQM.  It was enough to convince me to purchase the above mention Orbx software.  Before installing the payware, I ran the PNW Demo Uninstaller.  Although, on completion, the KHQM Control Panel still remains.


I followed all of the instructions for installing the packages.  No issues with installation.  When I finally finished, I checked FTX Central (the version installed during the FTX: Global Base installation) and it showed all the packages I had purchased.  I also noticed that I no longer had a Default FSX Scenery icon.


I started FSX and waited while the scenery database was updated.  I then started a saved flight originating in Budapest.  Everything looked good until I attempted a locked spot view.  As I panned around the area (both on the runway and with some altitude - using slew mode - I noticed "spikes", for lack of a better term, as I passed over some of the scenery areas, particularly buildings. The spikes were momentary in nature, lasting less than a second.


I began checking the forums for answers and found none.  I did see several problems others had that were resolved by applying the ORBX LibrariesFSX/P3Dv1.  So I downloaded and installed it.  No joy.  However, my version of FTX Central is now FTX Central 2 - FSX.  While looking at this new version it lists my installed packages as BASE and VECTOR only, no openLC Europe.  In fact, it specifically states that package is not installed.  Very disappointing!


So these are my questions/issues:

1.  How do I get rid of the spikes?  (Too fast to capture with ScreenPrint, although I could probably supply a video if needed.)

2.  What happened to the openLC Europe that I purchased?

3.  How can I toggle between Default FSX Scenery and Orbx Scenery modes?  (I would like to do this to see if my "spike" problem is due to display settings or Orbx shortcomings.)


My PC specs:

  • MSI Z87-G45 Mobo
  • Intel Core i5-4670K running at 3.4 GHz
  • 8 GB RAM
  • nVidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti w/2MB Ram
  • Windows 7-64


Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Rusty Gunz

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Gonna' call this one.  I played around with various settings and, after adjusting the Texture Resolution, the "spikes" have pretty much disappeared.  I would still like to know, however, if it is possible to toggle back and forth between Orbx and FSX Default scenery.


Thanks to those of you who viewed this post, even if you had no suggestions.


Rusty Gunz

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Hi Rusty,


those spikes are a typical sign of resource exhaustion, which is more likely when adding lots of additional scenery elements and detail, as specifically Vector adds. In addition to work with the display sliders you can also try selectively removing some of the Vector layers via its control panle. Last but not least, the moving road traffic can have a big impact on resources, simply because Vector adds so many more roads that carry traffic; you typically want to keep that slider in the 10-20% range maximum.


As for setting back to default, the easiest method is to untick all the Vector and openLC entries in your scenery library menu; doing so will only keep the Global base textures active, which are 1:1 replacements of the default set and thus don't use any additional resources.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for the information, Holger.  I am continuing to adjust sliders and, so far have been able to increase the settings on several with no visible impact on smoothness of motion.  My frame rate is staying around 30 FPS and I find that acceptable.


Namely, I increased traffic (both airline and GA) to 50%; airport vehicle density medium; medium rate of weather change; medium cloud density; cloud draw distance 70 mi.; and road vehicles/ships/boats all at 16%.


I'm very pleased at this point.


I plan to try some terrain mesh software next, but will backup my FSX folder prior to starting that experiment.


Rusty Gunz

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