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Vector Pre-requisits

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Isn't it time for the Vector page to be updated to not require previous installs of versions. This is very confusing to the novice. I am assuming of course that the 1.2 version at 7GB is a full blown version. Every where you look it says 1.2 requires 1.15, 1.15 requires 1.10, etc.

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The product page lists two patches made available for customers who purchased the original Vector which was at version 1.1

It is clearly shown that these are incremental patches, and yes they are quite large due to the way vector addons are compiled. However keep in mind some day one patches for PS4 games are over 40GB in size, so it's the trend in the online software industry unfortunately (although Orbx patches are rarely this big in all honesty).

If you've purchased Vector for the first time from FSS and it shows v1.2 then you won't need any of those patches. There is a new v1.3 of Vector coming out soon and there will be yet another patch and also an all-in-one Vector 1.3 installer for first-time customers.

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