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open LC trees now cover my local airport

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Having been delighted with the way in which FSX 'came to life' with the addition of FTX Global Base pack and Global Vector I moved on to installing the openLC product.




My 'home' airfield of Blackbushe in southern England (EGLK) is now covered in trees and the terrain has taken a backward step to looking more like FSX default in limited textures and poor colours. I have lost my wonderful FSX Steam that was running so well before installing Eurpoe's LC.


Can I uninstall and go back to the way things were before or is there a remedy?  Much appreciate the 37% discount but after the financial investment I am now in a bit of a quandry as I "cannot see the airfield for trees" to modify a well known expression...


Please send help!!



Peter B



Order Number FSS0379134

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Hello Peter,


Welcome to the forums.


I have seen this topic and I see the same as you.

I have asked the developer to look into it.

As a stop gap measure, you can either untick

the ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE10 scenery library

entry or move it down the library so it is just above the


Neither of these is a full solution but they do both clear

the airport of trees.

Perhaps we are both making the same mistake :smile:

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Hello Nick

Very many thanks for your quick reply.


I might have jumped the gun a bit when saying the general scenery was a bit like the default FSX...having revisited after a night's sleep I have to disagree with myself. It was considerable contrast with Global Base and Vector but after consideration and some local flying think that the local countryside is very much as it should be - so apologies for suggesting otherwise!!


My airfield is indeed covered in trees and having modified it with ADE was bit shocked to find nature had taken over so quickly.


I'll try your remedy and wonder if I purchase the England scenery from ORBX the tree problem would still exist?? It's on my shopping list for the 37% discount season!!


Again, my thanks for your reply and I certainly look forward to seeing Blackbushe (EGLK) without the trees..I've moved my base to nearby Farnborough for the time being..


While I'm in contact with you, i note some pretty ugly airfield elevation problems..I've fully rigged FSX with FS Genesis mesh..Is there a solution to help flatten the cliffs that seem to be surrounding numerous airfields??


Best wishes


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The problem with adding better quality mesh is that FSX can only

display completely flat airports. Of course, very few real world ones are,

so with better mesh, the difference in the elevation of the surrounding

terrain results in cliffs.

Default FSX mesh is very coarse, so no cliffs show.

Vector should fix most of the problems, have you tried running the

automatic configuration function in the Vector Configuration Tool?

If you are intending to buy EU England in any case, I feel sure that

you will see no more trees on the airfields.

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