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Confusing Patch and Library Instructions


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I recently built a new computer system specifically for FSX and as a consequence needed to do a complete re-install of Windows, FSX, and all my Orbx products that I've purchased over the last few years which includes all the North American Regions.  After I re-installed my first region (Pacific NW) and all the subsequent patches I then began to install Jefferson County International airport and ran into some confusing pre-install instructions:    ** Latest PNW Patch Required ** To ensure correct integration of coastlines, elevations, and other aspects of PNW, you must install the latest PNW.00X patch after this installer.  You can find it here: http://www.fullterrain.com/support.html#pnw   ** Latest ORBX Libraries Recommended ** To ensure that you have the latest objects you should always download and install the latest version of the ORBX libraries from here: http://www.fullterrain.com/support.html#orbxlibs The version included with this installer is 111207. 


This suggests that before I install this PNW airport I should install the latest library update, then install the airport, and afterwards install the latest PNW patch even though I had already previously installed all the latest PNW Regional patches.  Is this accurate? Do you always need to install the latest regional patch after you install each new airport that is in that region regardless of whether you've already previously installed the latest regional patch? And if that's true wouldn't you need to install all the previous regional patches after you installed a new airport?  The statement regarding the reason for this is for correct integration of coastlines, elevations, and other aspects of  PNW.  Since there are 2 accumulative patches #5 which includes all of 1-4 and #8 which includes 6 and 7 wouldn't both have to be installed or re-installed after each new regional airport install?


Regardless of my confusion over reading that previous message I then proceeded to install the latest library file 150331.exe, as was recommended, before I installed Jefferfson County and this statement appeared prior to starting the install of the library:  *** IMPORTANT!!  - INSTALL THIS LAST, AFTER ALL OTHER ORBX PATCHES ***  This installer will install the Orbx Libraries to the FTXAA_ORBXLIBS directory in your ORBX Folder. It will update your Orbx Libraries to the latest version and is used by all Orbx products.


I'm finding these two statements regarding the install of the airport and the install of the latest library in conflict with each other.  Since I have all the other regions to re-install and a number of airports I'm now not sure in what order I should be doing this. 


I need some clarity on the order of re-installing my Orbx regions along with their updated patches, any regional airports already purchased that I have to install, and the order to install the most recent library file. Since I'm also planning on purchasing some more regional airports what is the proper procedure for installing future airport purchases?



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The first gives two instructions in order.

1. Having installed the airport, install the latest PNW patch.

2. Install the latest Orbx library.


The second, one instruction.

1. Install this after you have installed everything else.


If you are installing many products at the same time, it will

save time by installing the latest library version once,

after you have installed them all.

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Thanks for the reply.  A quick question regarding this post that I started.  Did I start this in the wrong forum and if so which one should I have posted this question regarding an installation issue?



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  • Based on your reply and the fact that I have a number of Orbx regions and airports to re-install on my new system it appears that I should install all the Regions first with all but the most recent patches, then install all the airports in a region followed by the latest patch for that region, and once finished installing all the airports and the latest region patch then install the latest library.  Do I have that sequence correct?


    Lastly if and when I purchase future airports and I already have the latest region patch installed where the airport is associated do I still need to re-install the latest patch for that region after the new airport is installed?



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Appreciate the quick reply.  Quick question.  Did I post this initial topic in the wrong forum and if so which one would have been appropriate to start this question?


Based on your reply and the fact that I have a number of regions and airports to re-install in my new system it sounds as though the sequence order should be as follows:


1.  Install all the regions first with all but the most recent patch

2.  Install all the airports and when done install the most recent patch for each region.

3.  Lastly install the most recent library update.


Is this correct?  If in the future I purchase more airports and I already have the latest region installed it appears I will need to re-install the latest regional patch after the new airport is installed.  Correct?

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