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Registry question

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How big is your "C:\" Drive partition if used.

The system registry has NO size limits but if it is not regularly defragmented (I kid you not) the OS will find it difficult to read and can give erroneous messages similar to the one you have.

I'd seriously consider downloading, installing and then running "MalwareBytes" anti-malware program and "a2Free" as well these have an uncanny ability to find things that are errant in the OS makeup.

Then go to www.sysinternals.com and get the Page File Defrager

There is also a registry cleaner,defrager too which I'll find for you.

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HI Mozz,

The c partition is approx 200gb.

I will try those 2 programs and see what they find. Will that A2free interfere with McAfee?

I didnt know wbout that page file defrager. Does the page file become very fragmented?

edit: ran the quick scan with malwarebytes, and all it found was a registry entry about microsoft security centre anti virus disable. When I looked in the security centre, McAfee says everything is sweet, and enabled. Will probably need to do afull scan though.

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I don't know of anyone having any interference hassles with other AV programs A2Free seem to work independently of any others which is one of the reasons I like it as a backup measure.

I personally wouldn't give McAfee Hard Disk space.

Malwarebytes was most likely getting annoyed at McAfee overriding the shitty Windows security measures.

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Thanks Mozz

I bought McAfee on sale with 12 month subscription at Harvey Norman last Oct for less than 30 bucks, so I will put up until Oct and then get something else. I am not too fussed on it now I have it.

That aside, I am running a scan now with it, but havent found anything yet. I think the best thing will be to defrag the page file. I've never done that, so that is good start.


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Hi Craig,

also make sure to "clean out" your prefetch files at least once a month, better once a week, don't know if you are running XP or Vista, with XP it's located at => C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch just toss out all the files in there and do a defrag, it is most rewarding ;D

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You can either defrag the Pagefile.sys or simply delete it and then reboot and then reset the page file and once again reboot to lock it in place.

Pain in the backside but will clean a reasonable amount of bloat from your system, Oh make sure the Pagefile.sys is set to system managed if your RAM is less than 2 Gb and to 1.5 - 2 time the RAM amount if above this.

ie if you have 2Gb RAM set your pagefile.sys to be 3072 to 4096 but make it a fixed Min-Max size. as this helps prevent errors with scenery loading and hand off to the graphics card.

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OK Mozz,

Are you a saying that I need more that 4096 with 4gb Ram for the page file? I have it set at 3326(not sure how it got that number though?)

Where do i find the page file located? I did a search and found nothing?


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No what I'm saying is if the system has 2Gb or less then you allow the system to manage the Pagefile, if the system has more than 2Gb then set it to 1.5 times the physical RAM but I believe the maximum size of the pagefile is limited to 4096 so you can set it to be 4096 Min 4096Max , this way it stops the read write bloat, BSOD, Memory leaks that can occur.

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Ah Done  - set at 4096. I have defraged the page file and we wilkl see how we go. Found nothing from the scans,though its good to have  a backup proggy to rely on.

I will clean the prefetch folder as you mentioned Wolter.

I have ccleaner as a registry cleaner. Is this what you recommend?

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Not for preference no, I have seen some serious damage done to some systems by it simply due to the power of some of the settings and if inadvertently used then you might be in for some trouble .

I would recommend RegVac (payware) but it is excellent.

NEVER rely on just one Anti Malware and AV program, ALWAYS do a scan with an alternate program at least weekly. No one program CAN nor WILL protect you.

Mind you being damn careful about what you download and where you browse and get rid of ANY and all BHO's will also help.

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I only used one av and malware program but I will now continue to use 2.

Yeah - those BHO's are a pain in the arse, although I dont get any compared to what i got when using IE (have been using Firefox for 12months now).I am more selective in what I download and browse, more than I used to be anyway ! :D

I'll have a look at regvac and see if its worth buying.

Thanks for that info Mozz. Appreciate it.



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No guarantee it will stop your problems but it certainly can't hurt and adds about the time it takes to sneeze to boot up.

I never turn the PC off so I never have the issues everyone seems to complain about, 

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I will add it into the boot up and see how I go.

I know your feelings on overclocking so please dont bash me when I say this......( had to get the disclaimer out there)

I experimented with a small overclock from 2.66ghz to 3.00ghz, to see what i could achieve about 10 days ago. After a few false starts, the pc ran ok, but thats when that registry message started coming up. Initially I didnt think too much of it, so I put the pc back to stock settings, but the message kept coming up every second or third boot.

This is the position I am in  now. Now the reason I didnt discuss the overclock before was that I thought it was of no significance, but maybe I am wrong. That's where I seek your professional opinion please?

Could this have had any effect on the message coming up? ( i know what your thinking..."that will teach you for playing around with o'clocking") ;)



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There is a possibility there is an errant registry entry contributing to your current woes but I don't think the overclocking would be the cause, it may not have helped but i don't think it is the sole cause of your issues, it is far more likely that it is just one thing in a chain of events leading up to and irritating the OS or System to the point that this error occurs.

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