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Scenic North Tasmania

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This was a very short flight of 40 nm, but what a beautiful one.  I could have taken a picture every mile of the route.  Here're just a few;

Just after take-off from Wynyard, this is the scene that greats you of Burnie

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Coming up is Ulverstone

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You fly over Devonport to runway 6

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Safely parked in the very bare default airport.

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Even though it looks nice, I think it'll be a little while before I get in the Skylane again.  It tends to float about all over the place.

Still the view was good.  Next stop Lady Barron, Flinders Island.  I know OZx won't disappoint. :)


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Ah! Brings me back to when I was doing an OZx tassie tour in my C206, through mountain ranges and past the deep blue enchanting lakes in all awe of the picturesque beauty of Tassie :D

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