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Starting the round Tasmania part

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I've done the perimeter of the Continent and now I'm left with doing the round Tasmania bit.  This short leg is from Smithton to Wynyard.

I never use the REX weather engine, it just takes too long.  But what never fails to impress me is how well FSX seems able to use REX to interpret real world weather.  Of course, I readily admit that I have no idea what a nice sunny days weather in Australia really looks like but it all.  These were all taken using this method;

Turning on to the bearing

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Looks a nice place to live

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Perhaps they do accomodation?

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Thank you ImageShack-faultless

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Done the perimeter, eh? Congratulations! REX cirrus is a true thing of beauty, so looking forward to 2.0 - hopefully they'll resolve a lot of issues and I'll finally buy it. Sticking with my 'orphaned' FEX for now though, I reckon it looks quite nice too...

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Thanks for your comments fellers.  Appreciated.

I like FEX too Krigl and I think I would prefer the skies and clouds but REX with FSWC really does have the edge when it comes to the water.  I know I could still use FEX for the skies, but what with turning UTX on and off.  Turning FTX on and off. Turning the AI on and off.  Turning FSWC to the saved water on and off.  Turning the saved theme in REX on and off ....blimey, it's dinner time before I get to turn FSX on!  Then after the wait while it decides to come on and after the wait for the flight planner to be loaded, its nearly bedtime before I manage to get into the aircraft to have a fly! ::) 

So, I think you'll understand why I've given FEX the elbow for now. ;D

Incidentally, from their website, I could be wrong, but I do get the impression it'll be a little while before REX 2 comes out and it'll be free to current users anyway I think.


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JohnY. you've done it again - top shots. Know how you feel about Rex - I've given up too, but hadn't connected the greatly improved  FSX clouds with having Rex  ::) When mountain flying I use FSX User Defined weather set to 8/8 thunderstorms with specified cloud base, tops, vis, wind and turbulence and it seems to be good on frame rates as well as presenting the weather I want, whereas Rex seems very erratric  - may be finger trouble.  ;) btw do you have Ben Lomond for Tassie from OZX?

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I see you like excitement Bill.  Thanks for your comment by the way.  I have got Ben Lomond but haven't used it yet because I'm busy doing the circumnavigation of Tasmania.  Then I'll start doing more specific flight to and around all the places of interest.


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