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FTX Southern Alaska - Anchorage area: low fps in FSX


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First: Thank You ORBX for this beautiful region.


Second: In FSX, Anchorage area has big frame rate impact (from 27 to 15) on my computer. Changing terrain sliders, or reducing air traffic does almost nothing.

With FTX Norway i dont have such problem (near Oslo for sample).


On the other hand, in P3D, in Anchorage area i have only minimal impact on frames (2-3 frames drop).


I don't have other addons in North America, FSX was only 2 months ago installed from fresh.


Is it normal situation in Anchorage with FSX or something wrong with my settings?



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Hi there,


thanks for the kind words, glad to hear you're enjoying SAK.


There are no differences in content between the P3Dv2 and FSX versions of SAK. Most users see an improvement of overall performance with P3D over FSX but the difference shouldn't be that big in any specific area. 


Pulling back sliders related to terrain, object, or AI aircraft and vehicle traffic density should have a measurable impact; what features appear to be the main culprit in the Anchorage area for you?


I assume the latest libraries from our support page are installed?


Cheers, Holger 

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Well, i don't know exactly what feature makes so big impact on framerate.

Disabling  ai traffic, or lowering some sliders changes almost nothing.


Truly, i'm little surprised that Anchorage is frame killer and Oslo not.


Aside of this problem, are you planning fill the gap between Southern Alaska and Pacific Fjords?

I know that on market is Tongass Fjords, but this is only for FSX dedicated.

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  • 4 months later...

Has there ever been any answer or resolution on this topic?


This is one of the worst fps areas in all Orbx regions - right there with London, SF or Seattle.  Except for those areas, you can turn down sliders and get an improvement.  I can sit on the ramp in Wasilla and get no better than 20 frames even with autogen turned down.


In SF we were able to disable certain scenery items (wind farms, docks in Oakland etc) that made a very measurable impact.  IS there anything that can be done in this area?





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