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Strange black box around lights in NRM.


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   Hi all. I bought Northern Rocky Mountains FTX addon and love it. You guys have come the closest to getting Missoula correct, lol. At least you have the Clark Fork river going thru it. The base FSX didn't have it, Fscene didn't cut it. Several free photo real terrains were ok but didn't have squat for autogen trees and buildings. I watch the video for NRM and decided then and there I had to have it. Let me say you guys have done nothing less than outstanding with this product. I WILL be adding some of your other regions soon starting with PNW. That Northern Ca. one looks sweet too.

   But I have run into a little problem. I bought REX4 Texture Direct and added it in. Seemed to work fine initially, but then I noticed an anomaly. Seems the street lights in the NRM region all have a black box around them. You can see the box even at night when the light is on. I notice if I pan my view, sometimes the boxes disappear at that angle. If I go back to the original view, the boxes come back. 






  I tried reinstalling REX but that didn't help. Perhaps a texture was corrupted by the REX install? Should I uninstall and reinstall NRM? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Welcome to Orbx :)


By any chance are you running with DX10 preview mode enabled?


The black boxes are indicative of this... DX10 mode in FSX was never fully complete or implemented and is full of bugs... this is just one example (the way DX10 handles transparent textures).


There is however a program called "Steve's DX10 Fixer" which fixes the vast majority of DX10 issues, including the black boxes around FTX lighting. It is payware, though well worth it. Steve also released some free shader fixes for the FTX lights only if you do a search.

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Hi Rob, YES! I started DX10 preview when I noticed the checkbox while installing REX, lol. So I unchecked it and the boxes went away. I then started a search for DX10 fixes and viola! I didn't want to fork over the cash for Steves' fix though it does sound nice and might be a future purchase. But I did find what I think was one of his earlier fixes for free on Avsim. Installed that and it seemed to fix the box issue and some other things. I see it still didn't fix a missing skin on a DC-3 at the local airport but tightwads like me cant be too choosey, lol. I now have DX10 working pretty well apparently. Thank you very much for your timely reply and assistance. Boy, I sure like this orbx scenery, cant wait to try some others.

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