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FTX Global Base and FTX Australia SP4

Thomas Ayoub

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Hi guys, I've recently got p3d v2.5 and installed ORBX Products FTX Global base and Australia SP4, when in FTX Central and I select Hybrid mode on Global Base, when I load in at YBHM I get a simulator crash?
I have installed the latest Libs for p3D v2 a number of times and it still happens.

Thanks in Advance,

Thomas Ayoub


FTX Australia SP4 Order #FSS0293736
FTX Global Order #FSS0339357

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Hi Thomas,


while flying in Australia with AU SP4 you want to have FTX Central set to Oceania for the best visual result. That being said neither option should crash the sim. Assuming we're talking an actual CTD and not an out-of-memory crash then the most likely culprit is a duplicate airport facilities file. Are you using any third-party add-ons that might include YHBM files? I'd suggest running a Windows search of your entire P3D folder tree (including any external scenery locations you may have) for .bgl files that include the airport's ICAO as part of their names. 


Also, you can cross-check whether it's an object crash by starting from a different gate or runway heading.


Cheers, Holger

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