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Issue with AU SP4 region and FTX Central settings


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I'm running P3D V2.4 with FS Mesh 2010, Global, Vector, and AU SP4. Based on the doco when flying in Australia I set FTX Central to Oceania. Usually everything looks great. However I've recently come across a couple of locations that don't look right but have found that changing FTX Central to Global without hybrid mode fixes the problem. This seems contrary to the doco and my expectations. Also it creates a quandary as to what setting to use for FTX Central.


To illustrate the issue I saved four flights corresponding to four different locations. Then I took a screenshot for each of the four locations for each of three FTX Central settings: Global without hybrid, Global with hybrid, and Oceania. The results for Global with hybrid were the same as for Oceania and have been included for completeness sake. The differences occurred between Global without hybrid and the other two options. No other setting variations existed for these 12 screenshots.


The four locations are:

1. Longreach: - a railway bridge east of the airport

2. Rottnest Island: the bridge immediately prior to arriving on the island

3. Launceston: where the Cataract Gorge meets the Tamar river

4. Yorke Island: the airstrip elevation


As you'll see from the screenshots that follow:

1. Longreach and Launceston look right with FTX Central set to Global without hybrid

2. Rottnest and Yorke look right with FTX Central set to Oceania or Global with hybrid


I guess I'm wondering if anybody can shed light on why the Longreach and Launceston location screenshots only look right with FTX Central set to Global no hybrid? Also can anybody confirm similar results - or is it an artefact of some set up mistake I have made?


Launceston - Global no hybrid



Launceston - Oceania



Launceston - Global with hybrid



Rottnest Is - Global no hybrid



Rottnest Is - Oceania



Rottnest Is - Global with hybrid



Longreach - Global no hybrid



Longreach - Oceania



Longreach - Global with hybrid



Yorke Is - Global no hybrid



Yorke Is - Oceania



Yorke Is - Global with hybrid


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After reading another post in this forum where a user was switching off ORBX!VECTOR_OBJ and APT/CVX/EXX when flying between Oceania and another region I thought I'd try the same thing for my issue. In theory it shouldn't make any difference since Oceania is meant to override Global. My understanding is that flying in a region is supposed to be the same regardless of whether you have global installed or not - at least that's my reading of the doco! In practise I suspect there is a caveat that this advice only applies if the region was built post global not pre global like Australia was. So here are a couple of screenshots and my guess as to what is happening:


Launceston - cataract gorge bridges issue


Now the extra bridges are missing. While the global no hybrid version is more accurate at least now the Oceania version doesn't have the orphan bridges. I think the Oceania version with vector turned on looks wrong because the Oceania bridge/road data is from a different source than the global vector bridge/road data. I think in Oceania it doesn't know about the bridges at all and just renders the road per Oceania data. In contrast global vector does know about the bridges so these are rendered as separate objects even though the roads that are supposed to go with these bridges aren't rendered because the Oceania ones are instead.




Longreach - railway bridge issue


Again the orphan bridge has disappeared. Similar story to Launceston location. Because Oceania doesn't know about the railway bridge it renders the global vector bridge when global vector is turned on even though the rail track it goes on is in a different location according to Oceania.




Basically I think the problem is that the Oceania data doesn't include these bridges. If it did it would render those on the Oceania road/railway instead of rendering orphan bridges where they would go per the global vector road/railway data.


In summary if you are flying around Australia with FTX Central set to Oceania turn off global vector by unchecking ORBX!VECTOR_OBJ and APT/CVX/EXX


Of course now I'm probably going to find a location that looks wrong with global vector turned off :)

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An alternative to unchecking the global vector entries in the scenery library is to uncheck all bridges in the vector configuration tool. That way you'll see water bodies for example that global vector knows about but Oceania doesn't.


Of course which ever way you do it the downside is that in addition to switching FTX Central back to Global no hybrid when you fly out of Australia you need to remember to go into vector configuration and turn bridges back on or recheck the global vector lines in the scenery library!


Wonder when the Australia region will be redone to utilise the incorporate the global vector data now available?

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Thanks Holger - if only I'd thought to search on "Agitated scenery near Sydney" before spending a couple of hours posting on the forum ;) Anyway it's good to get confirmation I'm on the right track in trying to understand these scenery anomalies.


I did wonder what these locations would look like if I had FTX Central set to Global no hybrid and the AU region scenery turned off. But there doesn't seem to be any easy way to do that. I know with that FTX Central setting I shouldn't be seeing any AU region scenery but doubts linger ...


One question I have is why does the Rottnest screenshot for Global no hybrid have a missing bridge? Surely Global Vector knows there is a bridge there?


At some stage I"ll install P3D 2.5 and plan to check these locations before (if) installing the AU region. I'm tending towards the view that the AU region is not worth having in it's current form.

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