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FTX Aero problem KFHR


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The runway is supposed to be asphalt but...


I reinstalled the newest ORBX libs (150215) and applied FTX Aero (runway setting fine;1024; yellow markings only).

I have North America set and Applied in FTX Central.


Yesterday this runway was black with nicely defined grainy asphalt, almost like macadam.  Where has it gone?  And how can I get it back?




I do not have REX 4 or other REX programs installed.  Just the FTX Aero variant.  I run everything as administrator and have FSX in F: root. 


I'd be grateful for advice.




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Thanks, Tim.


No, I did not choose a runway texture. All my default runways look like this. Even some addons look like this e.g. EGQC from Aerosoft German airfields. I know this scenery well and the asphalt runway never looked like this....


I did as you said and over-wrote the existing runway18.dds file (same date and size).  It made no difference.



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All my default asphalt runways now look like the one in my OP. 

FTX Aero makes no difference to my default runways - I have tried various settings of FTX Aero and the runways all look the same - like the OP. 



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out on limb here , try this:

Go to ....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts

delete the Aero folder

Run the latest Library files again and it should have re-installed the Aero tool and try again

Also make sure that your main fsX folder is excluded from continuous scanning by your Anti Virus program

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Hmm...no joy, Wolter.


I noticed what seems to me an odd thing.  Tim Harris posted a runway18.dds file (1366 KB unzipped). 

I installed this in place of the existing version in the main Texture folder.

When I checked just now, this file was larger (5,462 KB).  I removed this and replaced Tim's.  Then ran Aero again and found the same - the file had swollen to 5,462 KB as before.  Maybe this is supposed to happen?


Either way, all my default asphalt runways have disappeared.  As I said, even some of my addon asphalt runways have become like the one in my OP.  All very odd, and very irritating!! 



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Thanks again, Wolter.


Progress!   Although it's a bit embarrassing I am admitting my mistake as a warning to others.


I set up AS2012 on a laptop client and forgot to uncheck the runway textures. These were all set to display and overwrote the Orbx textures. So, the OP shows a AS2012 asphalt runway coloured grey :-


It seems that FTX Aero does not work on FTXGlobal Base or Freeware airport packs. 8)



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Hi John,


I'd be very grateful if you could show another picture of Runway 34 @KFHR Friday Harbor as it is now, and even a picture of Runway 6 @KHQM Bowerman, if you have it installed (Just for comparison to my own runways).

I've been following along with this thread and others threads concerning this stripey grey effect on runway textures that should be (dark Asphalt) in my own sim. I've tried all the suggestions but still haven't nailed it down.

I don't have AS2012 or ASN or REX textures and use the FTXAero tool that I thought was working, but I'm not so sure now.

My KFHR runway looks much the same as your first picture, but maybe a shade or 2 darker with SHADE & EMB running.


Kind regards Jeff

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Hello Jeff,


Pics are 1) KFHR as is now with Aero set to fine, 2) KFHR with Aero set to show cracks, 3) KHQM 06 with Aero bump set to fine, taxiway markings set to yellow/black, 4 KHQM 06 with Aero set to yellow, coarse bumps.  On my set up the differences between fine, coarse, cracked are very subtle. I am sure that Aero is working because of the yellow or yellow/black taxiway markings.


I was unable to make these FTX Aero changes until I got rid of the AS2012 textures and installed Wolter's Aero folder.


I hope this helps.  regards, John









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Just for reference, this is what the AERO 1024* asphalt should look like, shot was taken at KHQM Bowerman using my freeware version of the airport (which is specifically configured to use the 'asphalt')


Btw, the 'coarse, fine, cracked etc' setting only applies to photoreal and landclass ground, not to the runways




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As far as your 'freeware' runway is concerned I am now totally confused.  Did you not post earlier to say that only 'default asphalt' runways were modified by Aero? 



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BTW, I am back to the runway in my OP.  Don't know why.  This thing is bugging me big time now :banghead:


Am I looking at a reinstall of all my Orbx stuff, or just some of it?  Or a reinstall of FSX + Orbx?  Or what?  



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Do you have 3rd party stuff loading up with FSX and injecting textures? perhaps you can prevent it, the FTX-AERO tool is a really simple operation... i.e replace texture - it shows, the only things that would prevent it would be over-zealous antivirus preventing the action from happening, or something else (like ASN-REX) replacing it


Try again replacing the runway18.dds texture in FSX/texture with the one I gave you, and load up at an airport in SAK which you have..PAGS for example (not the payware custom one, just the enhanced SAK one), it should have default asphalt runways if I recall correctly

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Hi John,


Thankyou for posting those pictures, what they show encourages me to keep going until I have cracked an solution. Indeed they are different from what I am seeing, and have a much smoother runway surface from your OP @ KFHR. Even Tim's KHQM comparison shot is smoother and more Asphalt looking than what I am able to produce.

I think I will need to make my own thread so as not to confuse your issue. In the meantime I do hope you find an answer making your Aero Runway surfaces stay put.

Below are 4 pics from mine.









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Thanks for your pictures. If you start a new thread please keep following this one too. I think we are both experiencing the same problem.


The only program I can think of which could be injecting textures into my FSX would be Active Sky 2012. REX was never installed on this machine.

I have disabled all the non-cloud textures in AS2012. 


BTW, which version of KHQM are you running?  Mine has different VASI lights from both yours and Tim's. 


All best,



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Hi guys :)

I'm wondering as to how's and why's with these textures mayhem, I thought of sharing some screenies with the same POV as Jeff's to show how things look at my end

I'm using REX OD textures combined with the Aero tooly









I must honestly admit I've never given it much thought as I think things look pretty OK to me at my end, feel free to correct me as the matter just intrigues me like hell

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Thanks again, Tim


I did what you said but no change. The asphalt runway at the SAK version of PAGS looks very like the original screenshot of my runway at KFHR.

I disabled the AV program (MSE).  I uninstalled the Active Sky program. I cannot think of any other program which could be injecting runway textures.




When I replaced the runway18.dds and ran FTX Aero again, I got four options: 


Click to overwrite file in FSX
Make the file the Aero default
Copy the file to your own backup
Do nothing with this file


These options are not clear to me.  I would like your 'new' runway18.dds to overwrite the FSX version, and I would like your 'new' .dds to be the Aero default.


Where to from here? 

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From what Tim writes, it would seem that you cannot be using FTXAero textures. These are only applied to default asphalt runways.

Having said that, I am not entirely sure what he means by 'default' since Aero textures seem to apply to his non-default freeware version of KHQM. 

The Aero textures also seem to apply to non-default ORBX textures like Tim's SAK version of PAGS - not to mine though.


Perhaps I have missed something.


It is all very confusing for this old head and I am about to bale out!  I hate giving up but this balloon's got a puncture....

I plan to install the REX OD textures and to forget about Aero.


Thanks to all for help, interest and advice!



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Hi John,


Yes, most definitely will stick with you on this thread, aIthough I will hold off on making a new topic until I have investigated all options possibilities and solutions. Same like Wolter, it is intriguing the Heck out of me, I'm not adverse to the concrete stripey runway textures and have seen them represented in other screen shots that I've seen previously, I had assumed them to be just normal Generic Runway textures without giving a second thought that the should be Asphalt or affected by Runway18 texture in FTXAero).

I don't run any addon programs to enhance the texture sets no REX no ASN AS2012 or such, with the exception of FSWC for water, Nicks Sunfix, HD Moon, EMB, SHADE occasionally, the only additional modifiers are mentioned in my signature.


The version of KHQM Bowerman I am using is V1.1 Tim's Freeware, over on the Fullterain.com freeware page. Your picture of Bowerman is just the Orbx Enhanced version, hence the VASI/PAPI on the infield side of the runway, and other features missing from the scene.


@Wolter, How tasty your Asphalt Runway textures look, oh how I wish I could have mine looking like that. I do remember a time when my Asphalt runways looked much more like Asphalt, though not REX HD like yours more like Tim's.

Its difficult to determine now, when it all changed to these stripey Concrete looking Runways with so many other scenery areas to enjoy and updates to install. Could it be something to do with OZx or FTXGlobal I really don't know, I'll have to do some testing and checking to try and eliminate any exterior factors, as mentioned I have tried all the available solutions from this and other threads having an Aero runway texture problem (still can't nail down the culprit). Though I am not overly concerned with the texture I would like to nail down the issue finally. 

Your picture of PAGS Gustavus looks like the Payware version and has a custom Runway texture, whereas mine is Just the Enhanced version that ships with SAK.


Kind Regards Jeff

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Hi Wolter,


Would you think it a possibility that what might be occurring is the wrong Runway texture being swapped or called by the sim. If so what should I be looking for, a similar texture in the main Texture folder or from an Orbx\Texture folder. Or just give me the thumbs down on that idea, I'm only spitballing ideas ATM.

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Hi Wolter


That would be brilliant, but Skype is a real pain for me, though never had much success with my Internet capability down & up speeds. Teamviewer seems to work much better, but I will need to reinstall it as I have not needed it for quite some time. Can I get back to you when I 'm set to go, adding to that I'm also a bit rusty on how it works.

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It's intriguing. 


Thanks, Jeff.  Perhaps you and Wolter can make something of this. 

On the FTX AA Global Airports, I tried disabling this in Scenery Library but again, same horrible end result. 


I still do not understand which runways in FSX are changed by Aero.  Does it change default (i.e. stock) FSX asphalt only, or does it change others such as the freeware KHQM and other non-stock airports mentioned in this thread.

Are we really seeing Aero textures in these sceneries, or REX OD textures, or other freeware textures?  How to know if Aero is working in these sceneries? 






Thanks for the Skype suggestion. I have Skype but not used it for ages. Also today is getting busy - trip to Doc soon, and we are entertaining tonight - duty calls!  Tomorrow? 



Teamviewer might be okay. I've used it in the past but it's not installed on this PC.

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Hi Wolter,


I'd really like to chat person to person with Skype and TV, but I fear it would be all too much for me. If you remember I was on the Orbx team for a while and enjoyed it very much. I took a sabbatical to attend to family health problems, but I began to have vision difficulties when I had hoped to return to duty, subsequently had to resign the Team to find a better way of tackling my vision problems. I use a lot of different methods and devices to overcome my vision short comings, all quite difficult to manage in their own way, to enable me to stay in contact with a hobby I just cannot leave, including the Orbx forum that I love so much. I find that I work very slowly and actually fly the sim very infrequently these days as eyestrain is a huge issue. I need to quadruple check everything I do before I can proceed, this can be good or bad depending on how I am coping on the day.

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