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ENGM EU Norway Crash


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I'm finding -- with FTX Global, FTXOpenLC Europe (updated to 1.15), FTX EU Norway installed: if I attempt to start anywhere at ENGM, FSX crashes out.


Not a problem if I load at a different EU Norway airport.


Is this the first case of this?  Have done the usual, run FTX Vector autoconfig, latest everything, updated ORBXLIBS last, etc. etc.


Let me know if I'm missing/have forgotten anything, thanks!


NOTE: I do not have any non-ORBX scenery installed for Europe. I do have GSX (latest version), in case that is a factor.



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Hi Steve,

Which simulator are you using ? I just make a check at ENGM with crash detection on and I have no trouble.

I guess you gave yourself the answer to your question by evoking GSX. I don't have it but you can make a trial by unactivated it to confirm if it is the culprit or not.

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Hi Richard,


Update: it's been a few weeks since I've been at FSX, so the little details, as usual, drive one mad:


1. I'd like to try disabling GSX at ENGM. This requires the manual. It is nowhere to be found in my Flightbeam folder, despite my having installed a legitimate copy of GSX (not your problem, I know <g>).

2. I can load EGLL (Heathrow), all the smaller airports in the western part of Norway, but try ENGM, ENJK, ENMA and whatever I do, the FSX program crashes after it's gotten midway through loading terrain.

3. I have tried reinstalling FTX EU Norway, the updates to FTXOpenLCEurope.... no joy.

4. I'm kind of out of ideas at the moment.... any hints?  GSX doesn't crash me out anywhere else, I have a bunch of ORBX scenery and other-party airport add-ons all over North America, and when I switch FTX Central to there, and run FSX, no crashing.


So, I'm a bit mystified. Have also run the FTXVector auto-update, makes no difference.


Thanks for any suggestions! What' I've been able to see so far looks beautiful.

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Hi there,


something else to check is AI aircraft or vessels because issues with missing or corrupt files of those is one of the few causes that can lead to FSX crashes on start-up. Setting all AI sliders to 0 should do the trick or else move AI folders into a temporary holding folder not being read by FSX.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Again, thank you, and thank you Richard, for such prompt attention!


Fixed it the giant sledgehammer way: manually uninstalled FTXEUNor1.0.0, then reinstalled, then ORBXLIB'd up to latest (1228), alles ist gut (sp?) now. :)


Appreciate your patience; I'd been away from FSX for a bit, everything had been running smoothly, then... MYSTERY! Happens.  Must've gotten some cheese on some of the bits on my SSD or something.


I have a feeling something messed up with the latest version of REX weather-injecting; it's probably just magical thinking on my part, but after reinstalling, I also initiated with Clear Skies under the weather setting, no REX, and that's when it loaded properly, finally. Then, after that, loading with REX, no problem (latest version of REX WX engine, for reference).


The weird thing is that everywhere else I'd been trying, in EU or NA, was going fine, so it was truly some perplexing black hole in the Norwegian universe for me.


BUT! Fixed.  Back to pining fer the fjords! ;)  Always wanted to live in Norway.  If I weren't just another burdensome old person I'd retire there, or something.





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