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FTXG Drop in FPS


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I recently upgraded my computer and I am in the process of installing FSX and all of my addons.  To start, I made a clean installation of FSX and Acceleration with only the HIGHMEMFIX change in the fsx.cfg file.  I then benchmarked the system using FSMark11 and got an average frame rate of 51.003.  I adjusted the settings to recommendations from ORBX and my personal taste (e.g. lowered autogen, lowered airport vehicles, lowered traffic, added ground shadows, etc.) and my new benchmark was at 63.360.  It looked great and was very, very smooth.


I then added FTX Global.  My benchmark fell to 49.703.  That is a pretty serious drop in frame rate, but still flyable (except minor stutters now were occuring).  I proceeded and added AI from World of AI and EnbSeries,   My benchmark fell to 40.567, but worse my minimum frame rate was now in the 20s and the stutters were far worse.  I installed the latest ORBX Libraries, but this did not help.  


What am I doing wrong?  I thought a texture replacement program should not affect frame rates so dramatically and it only gets worse as I add other software.  If I take FTX Global off and leave the other software intact, my benchmark rises to 58.280 and smooth again.  





P.S. Here is a table of my findings using FSMark11 and Fraps:


Temp: Min: Max: Avg: Settings:

54C 44 83 63.360 Base

54C 45 83 64.037 Base+Ground Shadows

54C 38 75 58.577 Base+Ground Shadows+AI

55C 36 73 58.280 Base+Ground Shadows+AI+EnbSeries

61C 29 70 49.703 Base+Ground Shadows+FTXG

55C 25 55 40.567 Base+Ground Shadows+AI+EnbSeries+FTXG



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Thank you, but I tried that.  It does not help.  Plus, in the base configuration having them on didn't cause any issues with frame rates as you can see in my table.  


Anything else I might have missed?


Thanks again!


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It looks to me like FTX Global was quite a minor frame hit: 51-49= 2 fps drop

WOAI and ENB: 49-40= 9 fps drop ---> that is a significant frame hit

Also, how steady are those frame rates? 40 fps if steady is generally silky smooth.

When you added WOAI, did you change the AI traffic settings? AI is a known fps killer (even worse is the fact that you never see most of the AI).

What is your CPU Core 0 load and what is your GPU load? Try looking for bottlenecks.

Have you tried locking frame rate to, say, 40 fps? What is the impact on stutters? Generally, if you are getting stutters at such high fps like 40, the GPU is being overdriven, so try lowering your frame limit to alleviate the burden.

I second killing ground scenery shadows- complete and utter waste of CPU resources in DX9. Your the first person I've seen who insists on using them in FSX.

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I'm sorry you must have misread my table.  Adding FTXG dropped my frame rate from 63.360 to 48.423 (and that's with ground shadows on).  That's nearly 15 frames per second less.  AI only drops it 6 frames per second which I expect given the hundreds of airplanes generated in the Boston area.  Also, I'm apologize for not posting what happened when I turned ground shadows off.  Here is the new table with ground shadows on and off:


Temp: Min: Max: Avg: Settings:

54C 44 83 63.360 Base

56C 27 68 48.423 Base+FTXG

54C 45 83 64.037 Base+Ground Shadows

54C 38 75 58.577 Base+Ground Shadows+AI

55C 36 73 58.280 Base+Ground Shadows+AI+EnbSeries

55C 25 55 40.567 Base+Ground Shadows+AI+EnbSeries+FTXG

61C 29 70 49.703 Base+Ground Shadows+FTXG


So, I'm really interested in why I am seeing such a significant drop in fps when adding FTXG.  It doesn't make sense to me; so, I keep thinking I might have something off in my configuration or an issue with the install.  I'm worried that once I install the PMDG planes and a busy addon airport like Brisbane, I'll be in the teens when I could be in the upper 20's where things make a big difference.





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I've had some time to try some of your suggestions.  Just to be clear, a clean installation of FSX with Acceleration and reasonable settings achieves 63.360 fps.  Adding FTXG only, it falls to 48.423 and stutters.


So, I figured I might be overdriving the GPU as you suggested and limited fps to 30.  For FSX with Acceleration and FTXG only (no AI, no ground shadows, no EnbSeries, no fsx.cfg "tweaks" besides HIGHMEMFIX), fraps gives me the following:


Min: 12

Max: 31

Avg: 29.717


So, it is in the ballpark of 30, but you really notice those 12 fps frames as stutters.  I remove FTXG and the system is silky smooth again.  It's quite vexing.  Is there anything else that FTXG is adding besides new textures?




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Thank you for your response.  Can you compare FRAPS measurements with FTXG and without FTXG though?  While it may not be entirely accurate FPS measures, should the relative measurements still be good?  I've done this test multiple times and keep finding the same average measurments +/- 1 fps.  The FRAPS measurements also seem to follow the internal FPS monitor in FSX.  


I have done a few more tests, did a full reinstall of FSX, Acceleration, and FTXG just in case I made an installation mistake and got the following measurements.  So, its better than the original 48 fps I was getting by quite a lot, but it seems that turning on the global lights are really doing a number on my rig.  Could it be I'm running in Windows 8.1 and I have an installation issue?


Min:  Max:  Avg:       Notes:

44     83     63.360    Base install of FSX with Acceleration on FSMark11

41     82     62.407    Base install of FSX with FTX Global, Trees on, Lights off

36     72     54.533    Base install of FSX with FTX Global, Trees on, Lights on





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So, I've done more testing always starting from a clean install of FSX.  I've tested FTXG1.1, FTXG1.2, and FTXG1.3 separately with no other addon software whatsoever (no AI, no FTX Vector, no EnbSeries, no FTX regions, and no addon airports).  


In all cases, clicking add vector lights drops my fps on average by 8.  I know I've seen that the lights are supposed to have no effect on FPS, but I am not seeing that on my computer (no matter how many times I do a clean install or what version of FTXG I use).  Can someone please tell me how to get the lights without any impact on frame rates?







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The 3D lights we use are actually autogen 'tree' objects made to appear as lights, so there will be a FPS hit in the same way as cranking up your autogen settings will impact frames.

By activating vector road lights you are in effect adding many thousands of 'trees' to each scene which will of course impact FPS.

Try pulling back the autogen slider one notch to lessen the impact.

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Thank you for the explanation.  That makes perfect sense.  I took your advice and measured the impact.  If I back off one on the autogen slider while I have lights enabled, there is no dip in my FPS.  So, I'll turn off lights during the day to enjoy the autogen, and back autogen off at night and enable lights to enjoy the night views.  This works well for me.  


I appreciate all the help from everyone!!


Thanks again,


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