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KPSP runway night texture and mountains


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I just bought Palm Springs, and I noticed that when I'm at a runway at night there, my aircrafts runway and taxi lights look strange. Part of the runway is lid correctly, and then there are spots that have dark rectangles. As you move down the runway, they appear and disappear. I use FSX, which is not the same problem someone else had in one of their videos reviewing Palm Springs in their Piper Archer using Prepar3D. In their video they had problem with the way shadows pop while taxing in the day time. The other question I have is that compare to the screenshots and some of the videos I see, the surrounding mountains around the airport don't look as photo real, or rugged as those screenshots, they look soft and round.

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G'day Johnny, 


You're using FSX in non-DX10-preview (regular) mode right? If so, I had a similar report a few weeks ago from another user on the ground/taxilights issue - I can't replicate it at my end but am looking into it to see if I can find the cause. Regarding terrain sharpness at a distance, make sure your mesh slider is set to 5m and mesh complexity is set to 100%, and that your level of detail radius slider is maxed out. Some users (including myself) prefer to have their level of detail radius greater than what can be achieved purely using the slider in your settings menu; this is done by changing the LOD_RADIUS=4.5 in your fsx.cfg to something higher - 6.5 or 7.5 will give excellent results, however they do come at a performance cost. 




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My setting in FSX were correct, as you state them above. The only difference is that my LOD_RADIUS reads, LOD_RADIUS=5.0, which has become a sweet spot for my computer. At least until I make a major upgrade this coming summer. I hope you can find the cause, and I appreciate your effort.

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G'day Johnny,


Yup - the LOD_RADIUS is the parameter that most effects how distant terrain (like the mountains at KPSP) looks in the sim. The biggest performance impact with a higher number isn't usually lower fps (even though that also can be expected), but more noticeable ground "blurries" as you fly along. 




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  • 1 year later...

Bump It says answered but what was the answer, the runway textures have their own set of shadows.


" Part of the runway is lit correctly, and then there are spots that have dark rectangles. As you move down the runway, they appear and disappear "

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