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Taking the Visuals Vertical


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So I've got an idea to build a second sim dedicated to tandem style planes like the P51, Spitfire and Cub.  In doing so I want to use more of the screen to show the panel then the horizon.  So the idea is to buy a 48" 3D screen and mount it vertical. With nothing between me sitting down in a seat and the screen except a joystick and pedals, the visuals would give a very forward looking feel of being inside a cramped plane.  The sim build is to have GoFlight switches , throttle and VRInsight GPS mounted on the side.

I made a video to test out how much panel real estate I would gain by turning the screen vertical.

So heres the video. First you see a screenshot of what I have my current P51 set to which gives me the top row gauges and a nice look forward. Then a Video clip of me using the Head Tracker. As you see when I look down to see the radios and such, I really loose the outside view due to the bill of the hat and the screen being normal.
Next is a screenshot of the same default forward view as the first one and you see way more of the panel and less on the sides but that is without changing the zoom of the screen in the sim Set at 62%.
Next is a video clip of looking around and while yes the monitor is still normal gives you an idea of how it would work. Then a comparison shot of the two screen grabs side by side (pause the video to really look at it) and lastly my center stick I use for all my stick planes. 
NOW, imagine having no panel infront of you but just a 48" monitor tow where it is 24" wide by 40" tall and just the stick and pedals so that you could postion the screen infront of you to have an almost 1:1 ratio of size. Then you throttle and switches down on your sides like in the P-51. Now imagine if that monitor was a new 3D monitor?! Thats what I will be exploring here forward!
Heres the video link and the password is: sim

I would be able to do this in my current simpit.  The only thing that I would loose is the passenger side rear window area.  The idea would be to have a second computer set up placed below the simpit (I have over 2.5 feet available as the whole simpit is built off of the floor of the Boxvan that it is in).  The monitor would be placed on the back passenger wall covering up the window area and the back bench would be hinged to lift up and lock against the wall.  Under the bench would be my GoFlight Modules and such so that when I lift the wall it turns into a side fuselage with a throttle quad etc.

I would turn one of the front seats sideway 90 degrees for my seat and use the custom stick joystick and pedals for controls.  Since this will be used for almost 100% A2A planes, I could use their great v/c for many unassigned buttons. When not configured for using this sim in the simpit, I could put a cargo net over the monitor to look like its strapped in the Beaver and thats about all you would see of it. My biggest interest is in if a 3D TV would really work as I'm hoping it would. 
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I've been flying again the P-51 a lot the recent weeks, over openLC EU, and I feel you are on something here ! I saw such a setup at SimHQ for the DCS A10. Three vertical screens side by side. With one monitor only, wouldn't it feel like having blinders ? But  your tracker may alleviate this side effect by giving you the ability of quick glances to the sides, I suppose  (I don't have one). A fine 4K resolution (2160) would also give a larger field of vision to the side.


On the other hand, having the screen horizontal is a good incentive to keep your aircraft stable and be able to look down and checking the MP at takeoff or the pitch command wheel  without messing up your attitude :) !


What kind of joystick do you have with that long curved stick ?

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Dominique, on most tail draggers it seems the pilot has a restricted view in the first place and would seem to always be moving there head side to side to look out. So by having Ez-Dok and Head tracker, I feel I I could set up the one screen vertical to allow for quick left side forward and right side forward with EzDok muck like what A2A did with their Cub to look around Heidi and then Head Tracker for smooth panning.  All the while having more of the instrument gauges present in view to be glanced at with my eyes only not having to move my head or pan by some means.

Ideally a 3 monitor setup would be best but if I want to put this into my already built sim, would only be able to do one.  So if thats the case, I'm think perhaps a 3D monitor would be cool.  As far as the joystick goes, its just a logitech joystick and I was lucky when I was building my simpit, there were some electricians doing some conduit work at my place of work.  They had this heat element box that would heat up the grey PVC pipe so you could bend it before it cooled and hardened.  Then I just used some hose clamps and a rubber mat so it didnt slide to strap it to the joystick.  To finish it all I need to do is buy a car stick shift cover and put that over the base but been to lazy to do that.  

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Your joystick is really nicely done. My Warthog is bolted on a small stool, on my right side, and I 'd love to rather have it between my legs instead (pain in the shoulder sometimes, aint getting any younger...). Still looking for a good solution but I'm not the DIY ace you are.


Dont ask me for 3D, my wretched eyes cannot see 3D movies with the special glasses, ithe world is all  2D for me ::) , I couldn't pass any flying license eye exam ! If I change my 2560*1440 monitor it would be to go 4K. It would certainly be nice in vertical mode for a tail dragger. You're right, the field of vision is restricted in such aircraft but still, better to have 2560 pix left to right than 1440 for a decent peripheral vision and keep the runway/taxiway center.  


Anyway, I am interested to see how you will go in your project. I am not a big fan of physical simpit because I love  too much VCs on large screen but you seem to be in a quest for the best of two worlds ! 

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OK, used the password Thanks. Nice setup and I see what you are thinking about. Looks like it should work for you. Concerning the ball cap peak restricting your upward vision when you look down, can't you use a hat with smaller peak, or trim the one you are using?

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OK, used the password Thanks. Nice setup and I see what you are thinking about. Looks like it should work for you. Concerning the ball cap peak restricting your upward vision when you look down, can't you use a hat with smaller peak, or trim the one you are using?

That would be an option. On another forum, a member has showed me the benefit of the 4K TV's and in a comparison shot of 3 vertical or portrait screens, the same can be achieved with a 4K and maintain a very clear resolution.  The idea of being a tandem simpit designed solely for just a few tail draggers would allow me to also bring the screen closer to my eyes.  Doing this would allow for me to set a lower zoom (more of the v/c) and with the higher res everything would remain crisp.  Having any hardware modules on the side and not infront of me like how I have my current simpit would be the way I would go.

So yeah a 46" 4K screen seems to be what I could use and plus its time for a new computer system. 

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