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ORBX Uninstal/Re-instal

Sky Visitor

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Hi all, I need to uninstall all my ORBX scenery before re-installing it again. I can uninstall Global base with the uninstaller provided, but

how do I go about uninstalling everything else? I want to do a "clean" install. Also in what sequence should I install?


    Thanks for any advice.

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Probably not recommended by Orbx staff..but on 2 occasions I have uninstalled all Orbx/FTX stuff..global,Vector,all full fat regions,openLC europe and about 30 Airports while leaving the rest of my sim intact.

I went to my FSX folder..on its own drive....and just deleted the entire FTX folder.

Then went through all my folders looking for any FTX files and deleted them.....they get everywhere !!!

Then went to my OS drive and hunted thru my folders and deleted every Orbx file I could find.

When I rebooted my sim it was all still there and operating just fine..REX,Opus and all other addons were just fine.

Then I reloaded all my FTX/Orbx stuff...kicked off the sim and once again all was fine....all operating fine with no errors.

I have done this twice with no problems at all...certainely beats a complete reinstall !!

Cheers Stu

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