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NZQN problem after installing North Island and South Island Service Packs


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I recently installed service packs for NZSI and NZNI and after that I installed the latest ORBXLIBS.


When I went to NZQN (my ORBX version of course) I had the issue with the big walls surrounding the runway so after reading the forums I then reinstalled NZQN and followed up with latest ORBXLIBS again.


This time when I went to NZQN, the walls were not there, but I had an unusual situation where my view from the cockpit was "pointing upward" as I have several degrees of pitch applied. This view was permanent as I taxiied around the airport.


I check other airports around NZ (AA,CH) and everything looked normal, the problem was only apparent at NZQN.


I have purchased Global Base / Vector but never yet got around to installing. 


Any ideas/suggestions please?






NZNI Order Number: FSS0245152

NZSI Order Number: FSS0299245

NZQN Order Number: FSS0299245




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This time when I went to NZQN, the walls were not there, but I had an unusual situation where my view from the cockpit was "pointing upward" as I have several degrees of pitch applied. This view was permanent as I taxiied around the airport.


I check other airports around NZ (AA,CH) and everything looked normal, the problem was only apparent at NZQN.

Weird! I've had NZQN since day one and have never had this sort of thing happen!

Did you look in outside view? It sounds to me as if the aircraft wasn't sitting on the tarmac properly - or you parked it on a large bump :lol:. What's your mesh resolution?

I find when things get a bit screwed up (usually when I change to an aircraft that has very different landing gear heights) that popping in an out of SLEW mode fixes it.


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